your girlfriends clit:thumbup

you mean boyfriend? i’m :gay

Yeah i figured that.


Don’t cry. There’s plenty of other gay dudes on here.

good call :lol

Mad Gay Dudes.

I could use a 454 for my 66 Chevy… big car needs a big motor :slight_smile: hmmmmm

For sale, money talks! :lol

So OP, you never answered my Q…what ya drivin??



and you wont be laughing when next summer my brothers girlfriends uncles bosses best friends father in laws pool cleaner comes around here and shows you whats good:retardclap

:lol +rep

Oh no not your brothers girlfriends uncles bosses best friends father in laws pool cleaner! I heard from my cousins friends nannies bingo partners hairdressers uncles daughter that he rolls really deep.

WTF is wrong with people, glad I’m not your neighbor.

is this thread serious?

It was serious until people started coming out with the gayest shit. I’m guessing they will have something to say about me writing this now. So instead of writing more crap. I 'm going to a certain parking lot and doing some massive burn outs.HAHAHAHAHHAHA:rofl:lol:rofl

you +

  • the OP as your neighbor


im going to ban you in…