BitTorrent Alternatives?


I have a P2 and I believe a P3 machine in storage that I’m not doing anything with that you can have if the mods approve it. All for large, LEGAL, files of course :wink: Will this be hosting files? How exactly does it work? I think the biggest drive is maybe 10-20Gb


Great! I just need it setup for remote desktop ATM and it will be setup if we decide to do this.

DC servers run HUB software which contain all the connections and checks. When a user searches, it searches all the users and when someone downloads the connections are direct (hence direct connect protocol) so no transfers are done through the server. Also, the only people who will be allowed to connect are going to be NYSpeed users who are verified and locked to an IP so only people who are active on here will be able to connect. That is something that the admins on here will need to setup with us if they decide to allow it.

The hub server just handles all the user connections and allows a chatroom, all searches and downloads are done user to user. The drive doesnt matter. The software is about 30 megs total with scripts and everything.