Black Ops

dead ops arcade /thread

Wayne and Jon just stumbled into bed after playing since 11:30 last night, both drunk as fuck! Thanks for waking me up jerks!

Made it to level 31 last night. Gets fucking srs after 30.

they…both…got in your bed?


No, I had to break up the sword fighting and send Jon to his own room!!! I wish I had vid of them giggling like little school girls!


Out of control.


Yea, I played with that guy we played with the other night to.

Did it with only 3 people until level 26, then we went just us TWO to 31!! Fucking crazy!! I had upgraded thunder gun and ray gun. I think getting to 35-40 is possible.

I be down to play some Zombies but not at like 12 maybe 7 or so lol

Sign me up!

It was embarrassing last night when I played.

I mean even level 80s and 90s are possible if you look through the leaderboards.

How you guys live with just 2? Running around, teleporting, granading and traps?

Vlad, the 50+s you see are hacked xboxs that are glitching with infinite ammo. I think the 40s are where the legit elite sit.

We were running and gunning hitting traps and grenading our asses off. You need SOLID players.


SO XBL ME @ singh336



Black Ops for PS3 lives up to the BLACK part… I keep my headset off because I don’t feel like hearing the jigg talk and the cries of neglected black babies.

If only there was a White Ops…

Quit your bitchin and go back to playing GTA IV. SON!

:rofl hope you enjoy the cumstains on your blanket, kay thanxz

yea you and cryan sucked when we were playing. :rofl


That alone is the single biggest reason why 360 > ps3. Urbanites want everything for free, so they almost always will choose the ps3 free Internet gaming.

jesus christ… always the same shit with you people.