Black Ops

What do you mean YOU PEOPLE?

Ninjas? :ninja
Russians? :vlad
Tards? :retardclap
Homos? :gay

This! I can’t stand people that die every round, or double back and get stuck by 100 zombies only to wonder why they died. That and people that stand in your way, and cause you to die fucking makes me irate!! /rant lol.

Holy mother, how are you guys getting that high in zombies? What’s the strategy? I only got to level 8 or so in the Nazi one, hit the power, was disappointed nothing fun happens, died, havent tried again.

same for me.

camp a room for a couple rounds, open doors to next room, collect points, buy guns, move to behind the stage, camp a round or two, turn power on, link tele-pad, find box, run a lap or two around the map, teleport and upgrade gun if needed or just chuck nades out the window, rinse lather and repeat.
when the power gets turned on you can use the teleporter, traps, turret guns, and the different colas scattered in the map

playing with how many people?

ive done that strategy by myself, getting to level 30, or playing with four people then one kid timed out and making it to level 28. i really wish the lobby system for zombies got fixed along with the online multiplayer fix, but it didnt so i hardly find any good kids

Yet ive made it higher than you…

More isn’t always better, unless you have four really good people. Sometimes that last person is a liability. And you lose points when they die.

i said when WE were playing. as in you, vlad, your buddy, and i.…

yea that budddiieee is still new to the game and he wanted to play. He’s getting there tho

black opz buddiezzzz

Call of Booty
Modern Whorefare



Got to level 36 by myself and only died because those bullshit monkey bomb things didnt work I threw 3 of em to grab a max ammo and they didnt even bother going after the monkey bomb just me. Key is DO NOT pack-a-punch unless you absolutely need the ammo (Empty on both guns) then you just pack a punch the best gunna you have. I had Ray and Rpk not either pack-a-punched yet…

Add- Oh Eight Cbr RR If you wanna play sometime…

Ray Gun + Thunder Gun pack a punched is BEAST MODE

xbox is cheaper then ps3 and they dont need blu-ray as 30 for a movie is to expensive so they buy old traded in xbox’s. Xbox has more jiggaboos

Why do you say not pack a punch?

got to level 17 last night with no power. no power ftw

im still not all that good at handling those crawlers, i always get cornered

I have both and there are more minorities (by ratio) on PS3 from what I have observed. The 360 has soooo many children though… doesn’t make sense considering Live costs money.

I like the 360 controller feel, software interface and Kinect is just plain awesome.
I like the PS3’s rechargeable controller function and bluetooth abilities.

If it wasn’t for Halo and Gran Turismo being exclusive to their respective consoles, I would have one system and that would be the 360.