Blackberry users

ok so im having a contest with one of my friends

being who can get the most black berry pins by next friday

i need everyones pins so i can WIN

add me if you want, also post your pins!!!

my pin is 305CD2CB

what do you get if you win??

ive got 64 contacts :slight_smile:

hahahaha this is so nerdy

hope your not going to try something simalar to this incident…

wow u nerds

so far i got 38 people… hurray up boys lol

winner pays for dinner
its with a chick so no homo

i dont want to have bbm conversations with you… no pin

Yeah man…add me



bahaha - just got a few PM’s from Petey Pantaloons telling me my PIN doesn’t work.




lmaooooo ahahahha

yea i failed on that one

Peter I’m gonna delete you now lol. I want no part in this contest! Lol is it with that girl that I found annoying?

lol how did you fall for that peter

mike what one? the blonde

and this is a new chick

and thomas i have no idea, danno owned me

hahha, you are pretty mcuh seeing how many guys numbers, or pins you can pick up by next friday. wow lol

thank god we have a car chat section

bb’s for the win

anyone know anywhere to repair my bold? fell from violent fall, screens toast.
let me know!