Blitz BOV vs. Greddy BOV

Which do you guys prefer/like?

i dunno which way to go/ which is “better”.

Blitz Super Sound DD
Greddy Type S

would appreciate both good and bad feedback.


Cal :lol:

I honetly like the Greddy Type R

Very Pricey though…

unfortunately that is not one of my options at the moment… :cry:

Don’t 99% of the people that do SR swaps go with the Greddy Type S?

I guess it must be a good BOV for price and performance I suppose. :dunno:

Both are very nice BOV’s I would then choose the Blitz DD.

Here is a video I love of the Greddy Type-S in action. (KA-T, 5 psi)

hks ssqv




any bov with turkey call attached to it = king

I don’t know a duck call comes pretty close… :smiley:

Mike you have a type S right?

Make a vid of it blowing off.

if i have time tommorrow i will
gotta work all day :confused:

The type r is only $10 more than the type s

I can get you GReddy Type-S cheap, PM me if you need it… in stock.

HKS SSQV for life.

Whatever-you-can-find-for-dirt-cheap for life!

The old school Blitz SuperSound (see pic below) seem to be a cheap find
these days. Probablly something to try if you are on a budget. I’ve heard
mixed response on them so it’s up to you.

I have the Type R and it sounds sweet. I leave it loose so it whistles on higer rpm. Sounds really good, and no leaks at high rpm.

So… age old question…
Recirc or to Atmosphere?
Doesn’t the MAF force us to recirc always?

^^^ yes and no…

it just meters more air flow and thus richens the fuel mixture when you blow off…

you dont need to recirc but its a good idea

mine blows atmosphere and almost stalls all the time when i come to a stop. Any way to avoid this incessant stalling without having to go safc??

Is it bleeding at idle?
If so tighten down the spring.
(unless it’s an HKS SSQ then it shouldn’t ever bleed)

the safc bov open atmosphere feature is crap btw…

I had the same problem.

Just adjust your idle a little on the high side and you should be fine. I havent stalled once since I did that and its 10x safer.