Blizzard of '08? w/polski

Hopping on the weather thread bandawgon.

Meteorologists are calling for 12-14" between this afternoon & saturday night.

Big low pressure coming from the Gulf , but nothing much on the radar as yet.

A foot of snow + 30mph gusts… blizzard of 08?

it wont be bad. I would only worry if they were predicting a light dusting over night.

bacon by farrrrr

i have no faith in meteorologist. I think it is a bullshit profession. i do not know how someone who job is to predict the weather,never gets it right but still keeps employment. i will be surprised if it is anywhere near that bad. Probably 60’s and sunny

That answer is obvious, bacon flavored beer in the shower with a bar of butter in place of soap, and syrup scented shampoo.

Anyone else notice the mid-March trend of last snow fall.


I’m not defending them, but you obviously know absolutely nothing about weather.

Ehh… there is alot of science behind meteorology, but there are faaar too many variables to be spot on accurate. Some of the most powerful computers in the research facilities cannot load all the data points necessary to come up with a “acurate” forecasting model.

:wave: Which kind of makes me excited to see this develop.

I am sorry but every fucking time they say we are getting a huge storm it is a fail. I never claim to know about weather however Don Paul makes me wanna punch babies

they’re gun shy after all the shit they caught for Oct 06.

The big question is how much will the high sitting west of MI will push the low to the east.

Looking at that, it looks like a massive system.

Don’t get fooled when the snow lets up Saturday morning. Today/tonight is just a small part of the system. The main storm is expected to hit later Saturday.

The last big snow storm they were calling for 6-12 and we got about 6. Because it wasn’t 12 all the retards hop on the “it was wrong as usual” bandwagon.

Then with the ice storm earlier in the week they clearly said, “it could be a lot of sleet, or it could be a lot of ice”. We got the sleet and not the ice, but people think because we didn’t have power outages due to massive ice buildup the weather guys were wrong. Their job is to give you a worst case scenario so you can plan accordingly. I doubt we’ll end up with over a foot of snow at my house in this storm, but I still appreciate the warning that we could end up with more than a foot. We’ll get our shopping done Saturday morning and I’ll probably top off my 6 gallon can I use for the generator and snow blower “just in case”.

Since when was 12"- 14" alot of snow? I remember when I was younger and WNY as getting a few feet. Now any time we get 4" everyone freaks out and people turn into dumb mode when they drive. If we get that much snow ill be surprised. The weather people are never right.


Found this on Buffalo’s website back from 2001. Now that was alot of snow!

since there will be a blizzard, or from what i can see via doppler, then i must say, it is time for a callout!

40-140 pull on the 219 in the middle of tonight when you cant see anything and there is 1 foot when i drive home =( … i work in op btw…

no 12’’ is not alot of snow, but it does suck to walk through,drive, etc…

Pretty good radar links there.

NOAA will probably issue an updated warning around 10:30 then again around 3-3:30.

even if we get 3" of snow in a matter of hours, along with high winds blowing it around… thats pretty damned inconvenient because of the people that are skurred to drive.

This means I’ll be doing my errands in the early afternoon instead of the evening. Also means I won’t get as drunk while I’m out & about saturday night.

I only go by noaa… its where Don Paul & the like get their info from, so this eliminates the middle men. :slight_smile:

Mmmm, bacon.