blocking phone numbers

i need to block this girl shes going to kill my phone bill in text messages and shit. i wont answer or respond to her. the last time a girldid this to me i had a 700 dollar text bill. i have verizon anyone please help me

i think you just gotta call them an put a call block on that number that way she cant contact you,

stalkers *ftw

bs…stop trying to make it look like girls talk to u



wouldn’t you take the first $700 phone bill as an example to learn by?


Sounds like a case of the Baby Mama Drama.

Just call Verizon.

lol its true ill let u listen to the voicemails

does she want to put it in her butt?

…anyways is she like some fat ho? because if she’s calling you this much maybe you got something going… and i’m guessing it’s not verizon she has… otherwise you’d be IN!

shes actually really not fat shes just clingy crazy and we only been on one date lol.

and tell us about this date mr insane

we got dinner it was going good she said she really wish we dated in highschool i said whatever. she took my phone. then seriously was like who the fuck r all these girls in ur phone. she then apoligized for the night.isaid whatever. i found someone better and told her. shes called 8 times today. and texted me 15 times.i showed paul the instant messages. i really dont see where bill gets the right to give me shit about this. do u want me to pee in a cup for u


it’s the only way.

-Edited for homoerotic material.

i love that u add butsex with me when i offered jeffs ass. i wouldnt fuck brendan with sherms dick while newman pushed

girls first name?

-Edited for homoerotic material.

stop drinking