Blown head gasket or what!? need help!! plz

Hi guys just wondering… since a lot of ppl are telling me different things
just want to noe what you guys think.

Okay. my car over heats… it overheats during the day…but its fine during the night. there is the foam looking thing on the coolant when i open the rad.
There is no oil on the coolant, or white smoke going through my exhaust.
I do have a low compression on the 3rd cylinder. and after the car overheats… the coolant bubbles out of the resevoir… steaming and bubbling.

Let me noe what you guys think… thanks.

Its a Rb20 engine det

a bad head gasket is very likely the problem. especially since you mentioned 3rd cylinder has low compression.

sometimes with headgaskets, you may not see any of the common symptoms at all.

if you want to verify the gasket, do a leakdown test. it will tell you if there is traces of combustion gases in the cooling system. Most shop should be able to do the test for you.

Foam in the Coolant is the biggest sign of a blown head gasket. Drop in compression on the #3 cylinder verifies the suspision.

I second blown head gasket.

Headpull on an RB isn’t too bad. Good Luck.