Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD

i know LG released theyre dual format player.

I just ordered the HD-DVD for the 360, i cant wait till it gets here!!!

No, I actually mean dual format discs. One side is blue ray, the other HD DVD. I cant remember where I read about it but it was some other forum where the nerds were ahving at it and it came up. Didnt even know it was possible. But if it is that would be sweet. Of course it probably wont happen. :bloated:

Are you sure you dont mean dual format as in DVD and HD dvd on one disk, those are already out.

i never heard of bluray/hddvd dual format.

Nah Kev I am well aware of some of the combi discs in regular and HD, as well as combi hddvd and blu ray players, this was actually someone talking about bot hhd dvd and blu ray formats being on one disc. let me see if i can find where the hell it was that the guy was talking about it…

tthat would be cool if possible, but im not sure how it could be done with the different space limitations for each disk.

unless they start out with the bluray and put the smaller hddvd on the other side

That would be cool and it would make sense to buy a Total HD player for anything that didn’t share the disc.

No amount of marketing can overcome general ignorance of technology instantly. Some people still call DVDs/CDs tapes, some people call any network DSL.

That said it’s pretty much split it’s hard to guarantee which side will win.

It’s too early to tell…

The no porn on Blu-Ray was just a rumor.

Any price comparisons between players are moot because it’s way to early in the game to talk those numbers. The tech on both sides needs at least another year to mature before we start seeing “normal” prices. 'Cmon, anyone who is into electronics knows that.

Post your XBOX 360 hype somewhere else - the system didn’t include an HD-DVD player. Reminds me of Sega CD.

I’m not going to re-search the internet or DVR MSNBC or CNN and post the vids, but it’s well documented (just search google) that only 3 of the major Hollywood studios back HD-DVD and only 1 of those 3 are exclusive to HD-DVD; the other 2 will make movies on both formats. There are 7 major studios backing Blu-Ray.

And not only are there more Blu-Ray players out there in homes (someone brought up the PS3 numbers already) but its also been well documented that sales of Blu-Ray disks have been recently exceeding HD-DVD sales by as much as 20%. In fact, Twentieth Century Fox recently came out with research that shows them expecting Blu-Ray to outsell HD-DVD by a 3.5-to-1 ratio by then end of this quarter.

They can’t have both formats on one disk because they require different lazer frequencies to read the data, the data is written on the disks at different depths for the different formats, and each format requires a different coating over the surface.

If they do come out with more of these dual-format players (and their prices drop - one I know is $1000) this whole argument will go away. But still if I was making a movie or storing data, I think at this point I’d choose to use Blu-Ray.

I agree with cobra boy, I remember reading about basically a quad layer disc that is readable by both players due to redundent information stored on the disc at different depths

i got that off of a while ago, I tried to find it buyt I can’t

Here’s the article about the discs that will work in both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players.

Damn, did some digging. It is out there, but it only holds 50gb on the Blu-Ray side (doesn’t matter for movies, but not great for storage.)

Total HD :tup:

Here’s part of an article from Slashdot with slightly more realistic numbers than what Joe posted in the other thread.

note: I imagine that the article meant “by the end of 2006” not 2007.

Blu-Ray players are still outselling HD-DVD, mostly because of the PS3. But I agree that it will be quite some time before a clear winner is decided and even longer before either format overtakes DVD as the standard.

I agree with that to a certain extent…but we are forgetting one thing, HD TVs. People are buying these things like crazy (me included) and they want to have something that looks pretty on it. Back in the days of VHS and DVD, DVD looked better but there was no additional investment made. Now that people are dropping $1g-$3g on a good TV they may want to get the most out of it. I know that having a HD TV is forcing me to want to become an early adopter of the next technology.

Additionally, HD DVD or Blu-Ray are not a huge departure from DVD. When the DVD came out it was trying to move people away from VHS tapes. This new move might be a bit easier to swallow.

The move will be easier to an extent, i.e. it won’t take 10 years as it did for DVD. However, you’re still asking people with any size of a DVD collection to go out and re-purchase titles they already have. And with HDTV as well as better marketing in general as opposed to 5 to 10 years ago, things will move quicker. My guess is this ‘war’ will rage on for at least 2 to 4 years before a clear cut winner emerges, if there ever is one.

I can’t imagine buying all my DVDs over again. I have way too many.
Are Blu-ray and HD DVD players backwards compatible?

The vast majority of them are.

good question… I’d hope so

I thought it was already established that since the porn industry was backing HD-DVD, that Blue-Ray was dead? :slight_smile: