Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD


hmmmm… If only my stupid monitor was HDCP compliant :tdown: I wonder how well those DRM strippers work…

PS3 has outsold blu-ray players and hd players COMBINED.

On a related note, I’m pretty impressed with the 1080i upconverting that my new DVD player can do. I thought I wouldn’t see a difference, or maybe a little placebo affect at most (see speaker wire thread) but it really is a bit sharper.

and in other news, I was browsing a new catalog, and blu-ray burners are now at ~ $450.

Only needs to drop $150 more before I buy one… Sounds like Q4 of 2008 should be about right.

Might be sooner. Like end of Q2.

LG has the combo HD DVD/Blu Ray reader which is cool.$299 isn’t all that bad if you run a HTPC setup.

$399 on newegg for the liteon Blu-Ray Burner.

the longer this format war goes on, the more likely blu-ray will win because their players will get cheaper and then there is no reason not to get one over HD.

This just in…

Amazon; Buy one hddvd get one free.:lol:

Like I said the other day… BLU-RAY FTW

Ruh roh

Well the PS3 plays blu ray discs, and its $300 when you sign up for a sony card and drop it 2 weeks later. HD DVD players are $100 at walmart, so… 1/3 of the price is awesome.

Although if you have a PS3, why the hell would you buy a hd dvd player? And blu rays are much higher capacity, and target carries a wider selection of blu ray discs…

Well if Target carries more Blu Ray discs, fucking SOLD. I am going EXCLUSIVE BD now. :picard:

the PS3 plays BD’s but it does not FULLY support BD 1.1 and they are on 1.3 IIRC. The PS3 does not support TrueHD sound either so it’s not the greatest BD player out there. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great system with a TON of potential but it’s not the end all/be all entertainment systems.

We found ourselves in the same situation 30 years ago. It was a fight between Beta and VHS. Give this time and a clear winner will emerge. :tup:

Nail in the HD-DVD coffin?

Read my post #108.

Whoa, i was just saying one large store carries about 2x more blu ray content than hd dvd, why the hell would that be considered a selling feature?

People who own PS3’s likely wont know what the ps3 cant do as far as playing blu ray discs. If they put the disc in and it looks great, thats all they care about.

And im sure people who never plan on using the ps3 to game on wouldn’t buy it to play blu ray discs.

What about software updates, though? They might be able to address some of these issues down the road.

That’s probably one of the biggest benefits of using one of the consoles for playback, as not many standalone players give you upgradable firmware.

I will also say this about the format war. Look at the list of companies that make each type of player in Post #103. Who would you rather buy from? I refuse to buy a Toshiba product based upon the garbage I’ve seen from them in the past working service (I’ve heard the Onkyo is a Toshiba inside, too). I’ve heard about problems with Toshiba’s players locking up. OTOH, the Blu Ray camp is loaded with reputable CE companies that I have a little more faith in. I know Denon certainly makes a good product.

Well, I am thinking Sony is going to give as little attention to BD upgrades as possible because they don’t want to take away from the upper end players. It plays BD movies, if I were Sony, that’s all I would let it do. If I wanted TrueHD audio, I would want people to go out and get a high end player. Sony’s track record in the arrogance dept. seems to suggest so.


New Line Cinema potentially on the BD bandwagon too… Yikes!