Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD

False. It was the cheapest (and still is for the most part except Samsung’s BDP1400) BD player on the market. My parent’s friends whom NEVER game bought one strictly for the BD player.

Is there a point to that statement, AWD?

Amazon has had BRD BOGO for a little while now… :gotme:

This is what is going to really drive Sony to win…

When the masses start purchasing PS3s exclusively to get their hands on the BRD player, you know you’ve got a win.

Not too mention that each week that goes by brings another BRD “exclusive” company. Warner, Disney, etc.

Of course, I don’t put it beyond Sony to bumble it all… its not as if they’ve ever done that before. :roll2:

i have the samsung BDP1400 its a nice player and it came with 8 free BD movies


in a cpl years hddvd will be gone and it will be a waste of $ spent on the units. or it will just stick around and about 15% of of ppl will use them. Looks like blueray so far is clearly the champ

The differing track pitch of the Blu-ray disc makes its pickup apertures differ, however—0.65 for HD DVD vs. 0.85 for Blu-ray—thus also making the two pickups technically incompatible despite using lasers of the same type. HD DVD discs also have a different surface layer (the clear plastic layer on the surface of the data—what you get fingerprints and scratches on) from Blu-ray discs. HD DVD use a 0.6 mm-thick surface layer, the same as DVD, while Blu-ray has a much smaller 0.1mm layer to help enable the laser to focus with that 0.85 aperture.


I would much rather have a disc that is more resistant to scratches etc…

take care of the disc’s and u wont have to worry about it:shrug:


HDDVD is going down!

Woohoo sony leghumpers unite!!!

Ill just stick to DL bluray movies if needed and watch them on the xbox, no need to buy into sonys shitty marketing, overpriced crapola.


It might be overpriced but its not crap. And really…you being the biggest 360 “leg humper” on this board, I wouldnt be calling anybody names.

How does the 1.1 and 1.3 affect the image quality though if at all? I dont even know what 1.1 or 1.3 means really. What incentive is there to get a blu ray player thats not on the ps3…other than true hd sound which doesnt matter to me anyway.

no im the biggest sony hater on this board, get it right.

Haha, touche

still no mention of audio associated with BD and hd dvd…imo a very important part of what will determine a winner.

right now from what i have seen audio from BD>hd dvd. especially on the high end.

factor in that BD rippers are being announced with better ripping options you now have audiophiles jumping on BD for their next low compression media source.

this is gonna be a while though, and until then i can enjoy both, but like my BD more in general and WAY more when i listen to music.

im not a sony leghumper i just go for which ever product is better which would be blu-ray. u guys are the one that are finding any excuse not to buy it.

Nice to see that the better technology is catching on.

Hddvd DIAF

It is superior technology without a doubt and it looks like sony is starting to be smart about it but they still have time to fuck it up and it becomes the new beta max.

