Blue Screen of death

first try wiping XP off of it, install your own copy and see if that works for you (especially vista if you got it).

I’d put money on it being a shitty driver provided by dell

Is anything plugged into the computer?

How bizarre.

Only thing plugged into the computer is the monitor, logitech wireless mouse/keyboard, and printer. The last tower never had the printer plugged into it so I can basically rule that one out. I made sure to dload the most current driver from Samsung for the monitor. I did all the windows and Dell updates and it still crashed.

get rid of the dell drivers if you can… use the generic M$ stuff. I’m willing to bet that’ll fix your issue

and yet have not provided a error message. Seriously would be the easiest thing in the world to diagnose

Personally this what I would do too… For someone that doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground about computers… the Dell 3 year fuck this I’m pitching my computer out the window, now give me another one, warranty is awesome.


Already fixed it myself. Did some research about the add-on programs that Dell installed on the computer. After some google searching the Anti-Virus software with the free 1 month trial offer they installed had a couple hundred articles about how it was crashing computers. I uninstalled it and it stopped crashing. I called Dell and told them about it and the Indian on the other end of the phone said “yes I have received a a bulletin letting me know that PC-Cillin has been causing blue screens”. I was like well… thanks for telling the people who buy your computers about it.

Pre-installed software FTL.

Glad to see it’s fixed.