Blue Screen of death

I received my new Dell Inspiron 530S on wednesday. It has 2g of ram, 320g hard drive and is using Windows XP Professional as the operating system. 3 times so far when I’ve gone to open Internet Explorer the system has gone to blue screen and frozen and I had to reset the computer. I went through and did all the windows updates and dloaded Internet Explorer 7.0 and it still did it. I contacted Dell support and she had me make a few changes in my settings and still its doing it. My next step is to ask them for a new computer since this one isn’t even a week old I just thought I’d ask if anyone had any quick fixes for this problem. Thanks


Honestly if it was fucked up out of the box…I would just make them give you a new one.

Get A New One…Dont accept any other solution, escalate as much as possible.

Other than that, when it hits the BSOD there should be some pointer values.
The look like : 00x0000000
Get those,and google them. Should get some indication of the problem.

^ what he said

reinstall steam

get a new one and dump shitty IE, use firefox and watch your issues disappear

Word, take IE7 off and problem will be solved.

Total bullshit.

Either something is wrong with the hardware, or dell has a bug in their drivers.

I’d send it back for another laptop.

Just for the hell of it, I would scan the memory modules for error using something like ultimate boot cd. A defective ram module will cause bsod’s.

LOL I agree… Find out what the error message says first

Agreed,most of the time its just a setting/driver issue.

My new video card was pulling that shit today,had to tweak a few bios settings and its all good now.

Need more error info, this could be anything from a driver issue, to hardware, and “maybe” even software. has a free memory testing utility, if you want test your memory. Narrow in scope but works quite well usually.

its DOA, get an RMA

They’re sending me a new tower. I called customer service and they said no problem they’ll exchange this one. I could understand the person on the other end of the phone too… it was amazing!

So… I got my new tower today and guess what. SAME PROBLEM! I’m calling Dell first thing in the morning and asking for a refund this is just stupid. Anyone reccomend any computers?

Holy shit? the same problem?

Can you get an error message off the blue screen. Maybe its your wall socket not providing enough power?

That was your problem all along. Get an HP.

I laugh…my brand new HP at work sucks total monkey balls, i would rather use my 2 year old dell laptop…anywho seems strange it would be same problem on two different towers

just get the error and go from there. Grab a pen and paper real quick, its not that hard.

It really doesn’t matter what brand you get…you are getting the same piece of junk from each company. It is basically what price you pay, how much extra crap the load on it and what kind of support they provide.

Return it and have someone on here build you one…there are plenty of us that would do it for you

Not a bad idea at all right there. I build all of my machines at home. I wouldn’t purchase a pre-built for myself.