bms crash, kinda graphic

theres blood. this may need to be moved to NWS but I will let the mods make that decision.

shit’s hairy.

i’ll bet my peregrine phat jacks wouldn’t have broken… 12 gauge spoke. lol.

He should be able to warranty that wheel. Definitely broke under normal wear…

good for him for being such a retard

Wow that sucks…

Walk it off pussy

pics or ban of his face afterwards… That would probably be NWS

Damn shitty spoke job… I wonder if he did his own or not.

what would cause a rim to fail like that… could it be a underinflated tire and pinched teh tube ruptured the tube then damaged the rim

they kinda looked badass, but may have been cheepies. definatly sucks, way to go out champ.

he just did a 20+ set… the back tire BLEW out, what do you want the spokes to hold up to… (oh god i don’t want to do the calculations now)

regardless all 114lbs of him jumping off 20 steps (probably more… ) average step is what 7.5 inches… about 11-13 feet, come on man thats pretty rough when I rode I think i did a 15 set and it bent the rim all to hell, thank god my tire didn’t blow out…

he really shouldn’t have tried to flat bottom it though… if you hit the bottom 2 steps you’ll still fuck the rim up to holy hell… but at least it cushions you a little bit…

and back a while ago in RIDE magazine i had one where a guy bit it off like a 34 or 40 set it was RIDIC

EDIT: HOW DO YOU PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND THAT RIMS AREN’t SUPPOSE TO HOLD UP TO THAT BIG OF A DROP… he did a shitty job as the shock for the bike… partly cause he’s probably not strong enough to with stand it

eh hes fine. broken jaw and some skin missing. i seen alot worse while riding

on a good note at least he made the gap. get better wheel and do it again

$5 say his parents sue someone else over this.

i watched somebody do a knar set off the ecc south campus stairs. forks= thrashed…

besides that people eat shit real hard at woodward trying to that insane rhythm section they have there. i just remember waking up and watching like 5 people destroy themselfs on that thing. hah!

fuck i want to go ride my bike. anyone else wanna race cruiser with me this summer??

i need a headset im to lazy to go buy one. maybe ill get one from sundays if JC has them in stock or dans comp

go to berts bikes on southwestern talk to jesse tell him i sent you and he will take care of you. right before i left my 7year sentence i ordered and set up accounts with tons of sweet companies such as metal, s&m , fit, odyssey, eastern, and primo to name a few. if they dont have it they will get it and match dans comp price after shipping. i do believe i set up a myspace page for them awhile ago…

a pic for reference

lol i forgot booty works there. i havent been in berts bikes for bike shit in forever. last i knew they had haro haha. i ride a s&m NG dirtbike, id like to find a classic tho

i count 10 stairs in the upper flight before its to fuzzy to count them anymore, and im guessing the proper count per flight is like 13 or 14

so if the lower flight is the same # of stairs, thats 26-28 stairs total

he left a hell of a bloody mess on the ground and he was still able to hold his shirt against his face to sop up the blood, i give him props for that shit

That’ll buff right out. :roll2:

thats what happens when you wear super tight girl pants guys… :lol: