Don't do this...

No matter how fun it might seem at the time… When you see shit on highway 2… Don’t run over it… this is the result! <— Click for bigger image.

Just kidding, I didn’t do that on purpose… I was driving to work this morning at around 5:50ish… Just bomben along kinda half asleep still all of a sudden I feel bump bump… Look in my mirror and see what looks like a bumper or something flop around… How I didn’t see it before I hit… I have no clue, I’ve dodge chunks of tires pieces of wood and couple other things on that highway… Anyways, I turn off my music and listen for any bad sounds and also concentrate on how my cars acting… It felt/sounded perfectly fine until I got to my turn off to work then it started feeling kinda wobbly like when yer driven in a wind storm. I stop hop out and check my tires, the rear passenger is slightly flat and I was 2 mins away from work so I just SLOWLY drive to work. When I get there the things getten realllly flat… As expected when I got off work the tire was completely flat… Anyways changed to the spare and drove well under the speed limit home. The front tire is 100% alright checked that asap too. No damage to the under of the car either.

Here’s the question, where can I go to get this fixed by Monday?? The dent in the rim is noticeable on the picture but what you can’t see is the rim is also slightly cracking.

I really need to find a place that can fix rims thats open on the weekend… Was considering buying a new set of rims… but when the cheapest set I could find is 750$… no fucken way…

So what that little divit is actually making it leak air?

The tire is ripped pretty good too.

I bet it has a nice looking flap now too? Yeah sucks when that happens, did that in the winter with a hidden curb, just lucky i have 60 profile and missed my cheap ass steelies

It was great, I was in a parking lot last night doing an expirment with mento’s and diet coke, and some kids were ripping along at 10 at night in thier…what seemed to be some sort of neon, just flying along, and I look and i am like “hit the speed bump, hit the speedbump…”

But he slammed on his brakes, still hit it pretty hard, then hit the next one after it pretty hard to. some people…

lol. thats hilarious! I didnt even see this piece of whatever the hell it was until AFTER I had ran over it and it was flopping around on the road.

Haha you would have enjoyed watching this guy. Itw asn’t one of those wall speedbumps…it was about 2 feet long, if he hit it at that speed he would have caught some air, it’s more of a ramp bump…I laughed so hard but my friends weren’t paying attention, they were to preoccupied by the bottle.