bms crash, kinda graphic

he just did a 20+ set… the back tire BLEW out, what do you want the spokes to hold up to… (oh god i don’t want to do the calculations now)

regardless all 114lbs of him jumping off 20 steps (probably more… ) average step is what 7.5 inches… about 11-13 feet, come on man thats pretty rough when I rode I think i did a 15 set and it bent the rim all to hell, thank god my tire didn’t blow out…

he really shouldn’t have tried to flat bottom it though… if you hit the bottom 2 steps you’ll still fuck the rim up to holy hell… but at least it cushions you a little bit…

and back a while ago in RIDE magazine i had one where a guy bit it off like a 34 or 40 set it was RIDIC

EDIT: HOW DO YOU PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND THAT RIMS AREN’t SUPPOSE TO HOLD UP TO THAT BIG OF A DROP… he did a shitty job as the shock for the bike… partly cause he’s probably not strong enough to with stand it