BMW seven-fourty-fiz-eye *BMW fagz come in*

Infiniti is JUNK


Doing twice the legal speed limit is definitely the best thing to do when you’re drowsy.

Great logic.


Cry about it saddle bags. :lol

when your M gets as old as benny’s bmw, and you can beat it like he does every day all day and get the same results… then i think you win

ya text me im down

Who are these guys and why do they have so many S4s? The white one they have is SICK, but F $15K for that maintenance pig.

thanks for the invite ya scoundrel

these guys are out of their minds with prices.

u wouldn’t come out anyways you smutttt

haha thats alright his bitchass never hit me up anyways and im stuck diagnosing my train wreck

:lol:lol throw my vote for an A8L into the pile as well


^^ that thing? blech

Whatever , s550 is what IDE be down for if I could get that low down enough to be down for some shot like that then I’d be down for it if I could be down that low

IDE be down definitely

We can’t all ball as hard as you Singh. It’s just not possible for us to get with that Bollywood bling.

What in the mother fuck did you just say?

Hes down like underground.

+rep for being so down.