Boardjnky's solution for the gas crisis...

100 mpg yo

tom are you serious


uber manly

woohoo 100mp but you have to go 60 miles out of the way on average to avoid thruways

You can get around most of western NY by avoiding the thruway.

we have a 250cc that i got up to 75 mpg

i’m perfectly happy with getting 50mpg on a 1200cc…but that thing does look like a blast lol…

thats all i have to say. and yes it was already posted.

Made me think of this…

Gas mileage pwns

that’s cute

squid :stuck_out_tongue:

Ninja ZX250r 75mpg and $3,000 FTW!!!

Nice Tom

next up: pics of member slamming out a fat chick

transport your hockey stuff like that

I really really want the new 250 ninja for gas purposes and not looking gay

The new Ninja 250 looks pretty bad-ass but it’s still a girls bike.

hahaha that’s what I thought.

As i’m looking around for the picture of me in my gear on a vino, giving an exaggerated biker wave lol