Bodyman Needed in the GTA (work on rear rocker panels)

hi, i am in need of a bodyman to repair my rusted rear panels. preferred to have one close to the north york area. here are pics of the damage.
please give me a quote on how much it would cost to repair both sides. thanks.



ugh, not worth any amount of money.

ditto to that…4 digit for a quality job…

i can sell you a rocker panel that has been cut out of an existing car for 100$ its mint fot the drivers side only

Dude how much did you spend on that car?

wow, cancer and a half. i wouldnt bother repairing that. drive it until it falls apart.

you can actually buy rocker panels from nissan… if you really wanted to…

oh man did your car sat in water on a angle or something :S
thats some killer rust happening there :S.

damnn tahts alot of rust, i think you should sell it out as a parts car.

Looks like my first 240 lol. Just grind out as much rust as possible, spray it with underbody coating, rivit in sheet metal to cover it and then cover that with some nice sideskirts.

you guys do know the sunroof drains into the rockers right… it looks just like people didn’t get on top of fixing that rust before it spread… it looks liek the standerd rust that occurs due to the poor drainage…

that’s gonna need replacement pannels… but your frame could actually be mint while those spots are that bad… you guys shouldn’t jump to the conclusion his car is nothign but a parts car … this car proboly isn’t liek that… but those spots can most difinatly be repaired you jsut need someone who will actually cut out and replace…

i need mine done too,but it’s not as bad as yours. i will get mine cut off and welded on. =)

oh how much do you guys think it would cost to fix the sheet metal that hold the windshild. mine is gone =(