Rust Help!!!!

i was wondering if there is a replacement panel for the panel that conects to the door? my 240 has rust problems on the inside of both doors.
i’ll try to make it more clear…when u open the door, the door hinges are attached to the inside of the body…is there any way to replace it or is welding an only option?
ALSO, is there any way to replace the siding under the door?
If ANYONE has knowledge about this problem, you will be greatly appriciated!!
Thanks alot!

Its about $400CDN per Door to replace the Hinge Brace.

And about $200 CDN to Redo the Rocker Pannels

sorry i should have been more clear… its not the door hinges that need to be replaced, its the inside body panel that has rust on it. its the metal panel that is attached to the door hinges. the metal panel seems to be attached to the metal strip that goes along the bottom of the door. maybe i need pic to be more clear…again if anyone can help, please do. thanks

is there any way that i can get those parts from a parted out car?

yo i was at my buddys body shop the other day and he said that you can get the rocker pannels from any nissan dealer for $160 each side.

really, do these bolt on :lol:

with a plasma cutter maybe?

I’m gonna attempt my own rocker panels just by cutting out the crushed panel and forming new sheet metal, some wleding and grinding, and she’ll be done!!
How big is your rust spot??

do u think it would be a good idea to just weld on new sheet metal or is that just a bad idea? i’ll try to get sum pic up to let u guys kno what i’m talking about.

If you have the wrights to a tourch welder you can do it all !!
depends on how big your rust / holes are it might be a good idea to weld, if its the entire piece well then youre F*#$ed :smiley:
jk theres always a way

Na man, just get it mabe from fiberglass or even carbon fiber.

I know where you can get your hole body done :slight_smile:

HAHA my type of paint job

where could one buy the right type of sheet metal and welder if i wanted to do this job?
also,do u think of of those haynes paint and repair manual give good instructions to do the job yourself?

how would i get it made from fiberglass? are u talking about that bondo stuff?
also if u can get the whole body done up how much would that run?

heres the low down to what you could do, repain that rust grind it down and then lay carbon fiber on it…good luck!! how much? lets say more than your car is worth.
Then you can take every panel off, make a mould out of fiberglass and then pull new carbon fiber ones from that…again $$$ mulla mulla mulla
or just lay one sheet of carbon over existing panels and voila!!
im planning to do that but only for my trunk :smiley:
good and luck

You can’t use fiberglass or carbon fiber for the door hinge area.
Steel is ideal.

We need to see pics to advise you more.

Hahahaha ya, the doing your hole car thing was kind of a joke, at $90 a yard for carbon fiber you would be looking at big$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4
if you plan on doing what you are going I would just go sheet metal.

and if you don’t have much experence welding I would not do it your self. get someone who has some training or a lot of experence to do it.

Actually its $55 for 50"x36" sheet…sweet !!

im trying it, im gonna place a single sheet over my trunk (coupe) to match my front carbon fiber hood (coming from Japan) woot woot !

remember to wear a mask if you sand.
Try not to breath the fumes as it cures either.
If you have an organic air filter now’s a good time to wear it.

remember to wear a mask if you sand.
Try not to breath the fumes as it cures either.
If you have an organic air filter now’s a good time to wear it.[/quote]

W3RD!! way to look out for my health dude :wink: jk