Boost/Vacuum on a KA24DE reading : not happening

Ok, I tried the vacuum line on the carbon canister and I couldn’t get a
vacuum reading on my boost/vac gauge, nor could I feel any kind of
suction from that hose. What’s going on?

I also tried the A.I.V. hose and I couldn’t feel any vacuum or a reading
on my gauge.

I’m confused. Am I going about this all wrong? :dunno:

Maybe the gauge itself is broken?

Those two lines you taped into are controlled by an electronic solenoid.
They will only supply a vacuum during certain instances.

You need to find a constant vacuum source.
Use something after the Throttle Body near the throttle body.

The best way to find a constant vaccum is while the engine is runing start pulling lines.
When you pull one that affects the engines idle and possibly stalls the car then use that one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the gauge isn’t broken; I blew/sucked on it (as gross at it sounds)
and the needle moves. I’m sure it’s not the gauge.

Anywho, I’ll try what Adam says…will have to try tomorrow or tue… :frowning:

the one you tee into on the SR is from the throttle body opening to the fuel pressure regulator.

^^^ Any constant vaccum after the Throttle Body will work.

I’m gonna try the vacuum line on the Fuel Pressure regulator. According
to the FSM, there should be vacuum at idle and deceleration I believe.