boredom car, sun and camera: photos!

well since i cant afford gas and im bored i figure ill try to be a little creative with a photo shoot with my p.o.s. camera. enjoy!
o btw my house is a new build so we dont exactly have grass yet lol!
start with an interior shot:
and some exterior shots:
headlight shot(few days ago):
and my favorite!:

Got Glare?

HID’s in stock housings FTL.

try and find some aftermarket projectors that dont look like shit in the day… for a neon…

I’m 99.9% sure he bought the car like that.

So just stay stock instead of blinding every car you meet on the road?

Sorry, I would rarely fuck with someone’s car but if I meet a couple more econoboxes with HID’s blinding me I’m going to follow one of them home and set his car on fire.

make it a 100% and im not gonna take them out… that just seems silly

And blinding people is just flat out stupid…

Does your exhaust go out the side?

not meaning to be a dick… but… come on… being blinded by HID without projector SUCKS big time and u know it. would u feel good knowing that ur HID blind someone and cause them to get into accident? ( not saying it would… but… theres a possibility)

Atleast the last pic didnt have shit in front of the car, the car out of focus, some shit angle, or excessive glare…

I’m trying to be positive :shrug:

I’m a tall guy 6’5’’ so No matter what the lights behind me always reflect the rearview mirror directly into my eyes.
Most of the time I just flip it up, but I swear some people with stupidly bright lights that follow too closely, are making me very tempted to perform the headlight delete mod with my brake pedal.

I wish I had a beater car for this reason…

wow, this thread isn’t going too well haha.

Nice car…


PS: Nice car!

why not make your own by modding stock housings for infiniti or BMW HID projectors?

:word: ever try finding any type of projector headlights for a 2g Cavalier? of course not. but they’ll soon exist on my car.

Gotta get creative mang.

well thanks for all the love… shouldnt have posted the pic of the hids… i guess… didnt mean to upset so many people… o well… ill try and fix the hid/projector thing i will have to make some custom joint cause all the aftermarket ones are ugly as shit… and im not spending 200 dollars on ugly headlights when i could do some decent performance upgrade for that! like port my intake… and yes my exhaust is side exit…
better? well the camera still sucks… o well

get some projectors and retrofit them, i know a bunch of honda guys have done it before.

non-projected hid’s = teh suck