bought a new car..

Dude I don’t think I’m better than anyone EXCEPT you. I delivered pizzas for one month dude. And even so, the Honda wasn’t beat at all. It was totally paid off and wasn’t susceptible catching fire. And I’m pretty sure the average pizza delivery boy still has it better than you. I may not be where I am today without my lawsuit, but at least I was still working my ass off before hitting any sort of rock bottom. I’m sure I was getting paid better than you before as well, but that’s in the past. I’m not handed shit dude, and I never was. As for not accomplishing shit, you’re right. Only a cumulative 4.0 GPA at school. Only two promotions at my last job I worked at over the course of two years.

If anyone is acting like they’re better than anyone it’s you, Travis. You act like your shit don’t stick to everyone (or breath, in this case). You act like being a downright scumbag scamming people locally and nationally hasn’t affected who you are, almost as if it’s made you better. Maybe one day you’ll learn to grow up and actually earn your merit in society. Until then, I guess enjoy benefiting from everyone’s tax money.

What a boner.

Hahah what a fucking scumbag… You have to be a piece of shit to crack on someone disability…

apparently that seem’s to be the cool thing to do around here lately.

Yeah, i make fun of smokin all the time.

holy shit …ummm travis wtf is a gti gls…i thought they to completly different models for fawksake. Btw where do you work i would love to have a lil convo about making fun of people with disabilities with you.

he works at ferreties pizza . its at the intersection of rt9 and ushers rd . besides did ya even get your license back yet ??? nevermind , im sure ya gonna say ya did anyway lol .

Travis I would like you to go away and never post ever again

Its a golf gls

i thought so :lol

no , v-w fucked him and he was told its a g.t.i g.l.s guys psssshhhhh when ya gonna learn , travis dont lie christ

This thread sucks, post pics.

he’s gotta make a few more pizzas before he can buy a camera.

as i said… y’all can rag on people to make yourselves feel like your better than they are… whatever helps you sleep at night. im easily provoked… im sure you’ve all figured that out. cossey i wish ya well man…you keep doin what ur doin. shit will catch up to u soon.

Nope it wont because the day someone ever fucks with Cossey he has FRIENDS like myself that don’t give a shit about his money that will be there to fuckin end some stupid worthless piece of trash like you

Travis is failing to realize that him scamming people was the last straw. Despite the proof, that never happened and his true friends know the truth.

theres a new TV show coming out, its replacing Tosh.0

its called Koch.ewwcloseyourmouthyobrefffffstinks



Ridiculous, just goooooooo away

I could give a dead Mooses last shit if someone has $5 or $5,000,000 if youre a good shit, others will realize that. It’s pretty shitty how much hate develops over a person based on how much cash they have. You can’t go through life acting like someone wrinkled your Randy Travis poster, pissed the seat, and hid your keys.

NotSl0w: If that was your STi that ended in a firery death on I87 South that September night, that’s shitty man. I remember riding past it, there was a nice trickle of liquid fire visible from the rear of the car as we came upon it.