bought a new car..

You can keep assuming that “shit will catch up to me” but lets take a look at things a little bit.

  1. I have never scammed one person out of money, you have scammed multiple people.
  2. I am mostly on good terms with this entire forum, and not because of money but because I just get along with people. You do not. The entire forum hates you.
  3. My friends will back me up on just about anything I say, because I think with my head logically and would do the same for them. You don’t have any friends.

You’ve mentioned karma so many times in your posts before, but you’re the only one here who would be getting his shit pushed in by karma for all the wrongdoings you have done in the past.

Oh Cossey how you make my sundays better :hug give us an update on your damn m3 already haha

cossey , you fat one eyed asshole . how dare u say those mean things to travis … he is workin hard scrubbin pizza pans and whatnot , he got his taxes done and bought a new car let him be . he is better than all of us seein as he has a job and bought a car . nevermind the list of shit he did in the past , it was all made up and shit by me in hopes of destroying failvis,s name

for real ! :eek3

:lol hahaha so true, soooo true

its everyones fault, leave him alone he is only human, besides it was all misinformed , misguided, misleading and most of all inaccurate and biased of what REALLY happened

i intentionally burnt his car down , i made sure his ins wasnt paid and laspsed , i kicked his car off the scissor jacks , i hijacked the checks he didnt cash for car parts . travis i am truly sorry for any and all wrongdoing i did and ny epic funnieez we had at your expenses . im glad ya now have a car so the tradition can and will continue

john stop talking about that shit its like 6 years old, olds news bro

idk john was a white ninja:ninja

no, he’s actually black but disguises himself as a fat white guy so we dont suspect anything

Maybe he will spray primer the car and fuck up the doors so he has to enter through the hatch to get in every time

im sure he will do suttin to fuck it allllll up

Danny FTW

ban 1?

ban 2

There’s no point, the kid obviously thrives on this shit.

Do you really think this forum, or anyone associated with it will ever NOT ridicule you again?

Honestly. I’m not saying that to be mean, I’m just saying there’s literally zero chance for redemption, and nobody here cares what you do with your life at this point.

do you enjoy drama? cuz it kinda seems like you do.

The travis thing gets old. Its not even funny anymore.

Have to agree with Benny above.

Fuckin’ love Yetti… :rofl :rofl