Boycott Dicks Sporting Goods!

well it aint worth me arguing about. clearly you can’t fix stupid.

Pot meet kettle :rofl

The move was made out of respect for the victims and families of last week’s Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting “during this time of national mourning,” the store said in a statement Tuesday morning.

“We continue to extend our deepest sympathies to those affected by this terrible tragedy,” the statement said.

It was unclear how long the store will keep the suspension in place for the guns, known as ‘modern sporting rifles.’

Walk into their gun department and start yelling at them for not supporting second amendment. :rofl

ok vlad explain oil weights to me then.

why what does that solve? i’d rather just not buy anything there, nor lay my foot in their store.

I thought that’s what ARs were for

all I can find on this subject is a bunch of beer goggles news articles, and a bunch of yahoos opinions.

I cant even find the fucking “press release” from the horses mouths.

Poor Dicks.

Too gun friendly for Liberals.

Too anti gun for Conservatives.


Wayne’s right, and I to will try to not buy anything from dicks.

i will try to also. i just bought a bunch of ammo and a few shotguns there. i almost went there today to get a troy ar. thankfully i read this before

Its not about what dicks is doing, its about why they are doing it.

Imagine they are selling brand x tshirts. Suddenly they say, were not selling these anymore because they arent profitable. Fine, no worse for the wear.

Now lets say in another scenerio they say, were no longer selling brand x tshirts because some dumb fuck called and said the shirts color palates are racist.

Now lets say you really really like brand fucking x t shirts. You like them so fucking much, if you could have, you would have added it to the godamn fucking Bill of Rights that every american has a inherent right to own a brand fucking x goddamn tshirt.

Would you be pissed if all the big box stores stopped selling your rightfully able to purchase tshirts because some PC activist group said the color wheel was racist. Yup.

Its about supporting what you beleive in.

I am willing to bet the majority of people that are butthurt over this are the same people that hate corporations to begin with because of there corruption and greedy CEO’s, which is why I don’t get the whining about it. And what happened to supporting local businesses? I would never think to go to Dick’s to buy a gun in the first place so this changes nothing for me.


Dicks made a choice to stand up for what corporate believes in: pansyass cunt liberalists.

I made a choice to say FUCK OFF because I don’t believe in their faggot fantasies.

I’m boycotting dicks because they don’t sell m240 bravos. It’s my right to arms and I should be able to go to my favorite sporting goods store and buy one. Fucking liberal pussies.

I don’t hate corporations at all. All i’m saying is i was going to buy the wife a Troy AR because it was a great rifle at a great price point. Had nothing to do with the vendor until now. Difference now is that I won’t be going to dicks for not only the rifle, but how bout north face hoodies? CHUCK TESTA, i’ll get them somewhere else too. Tennis rackets??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOPE I can get that shit somewhere else. WHY? Because you just chose to punch gun owners in the dick. So i’ll hit you in the wallet it fucking hurts more.

Just checked their site. All the AR stuff is gone, even the Remington R25. What’s even more stupid is that they removed the .22 Mossberg AR and the .22 GSG 522 SD.

Apples and oranges man.

i just hate dicks because they sell shitting hockey equipment and over priced tents and body armor brand under garments have become over priced

If you beleive in the second ammendment and you were to find out a percentage of your money that you spend at a place of business goes to anti gun groups would you still buy there? I know I wouldnt.

Ever see the Big Game Hunter video games? Youd think those profits go to supporting hunting and conservation right? Nope. Goes to anti hunting orgs like wwf etc.

Dicks is doing the same thing as far as im concerned. They pretend to support us by selling rifles but gladly give in to the demands of the anti gun factions. Il stick with purchasing at places that truely support the 2nd amendment

thank you. i can’t fathom why this is so hard to understand. Vlad, what if your favorite dildo vendor stopped supporting gay marriage / rights??!?!?! YOUD STOP SHOPPING THERE OBVIOUSLY.

So, lets say everyone in the country stops going to Dicks. They go under. Billions in products, %99 of which arent even AR’s, are wasted. Those suppliers are hurt too. Thousands of people are directly out of jobs from Dicks employment. Malls now have giant vacant store fronts. and on down the chain of effect it goes.

All the while, the country is still fucked, and the 2nd ammendment rights are unchanged.

But thats cool, fuck that guy putting those huffy bikes together and the guy selling the putters and 9 irons right!

If it was a fucking gun store super power entity, SIGN ME THE FUCK UP FOR THIS ONE!

It isnt, and yes, even though they may have pissed you off, may have fucked up one product line, one choice out of thousands… and you all have the right to your opinions (like me here now)… do as you all please. I aint signing up, becasue I enjoy my blinderless lifestyle to the big picture, shitty though process! lol