Got my new transmission from nissan under warranty a couple of days ago. Currently at 300km of 1000km… driving under 4000rpm SUCKS!!! It’s just begging me to go redline!! AHHH another 700km to go…:mad:

This new tranny sucks balls too. 5th and 6th gear is near impossible to get in, it’s like stiff as hell. I’m gonna complain to nissan next time I go there… :mad: :C

Another bugger is that when putting the shifter in neutral, and you wobble it left and right (usually what people do to check if it’s in neutral or not), there’s more travel going left than right. wtf? I thought I got the wrong transmission or something… :mad:

Oh, Nissan replaced my hatch shocks under warranty too, due to the fact that it kept on falling on my head a few times. But now my hatch isn’t even aligned properly wtf! :mad:

Oh yeah the point is. BREAK IN SUCKS!!! :mad:

Worse part is, i’m having oil consumption and was put under the oil consumption test by nissan… which might result in new engine… which means break in AGAIN :mad:

Thank you for viewing this rant. Have a nice evening…

I unno what you’re complaining about mang… there are some ‘un-conventional’ ways of breaking in an engine too though. (Can’t recall the name of the technique, but basically, you drive balls out for the first few 100’s of km’s to seal the whatever in the engine)


that’s for engine. not tranny. tranny u have to break in gently…

Engine-wise has to be broken in within the first 20mile by driving to 5500rpm on heavy throttle then letting decelerate back to idle… the SUPERFAST WAY OF BREAKING IN ENGINE OR BREAKING ENGINE hahah

You have so many problems with your Z, maybe it’s time to get a new one or another car.

My 06 Z doesn’t have any of your problems, or maybe I don’t drive as hard as you do.

if you look at all the TSB’s (technical service bulletins) and recalls for the 03 z’s, you’d be shocked … over 50 i believe, most of which are voluntary. so far, all i’ve gone back for was the tire feathering problem and the recent fuel something problem. obviously the 1st gen z’s are going to have these little problems, but you do seem to have more than normal. i run my z to the ground all the time, track my car at grip events, and the tranny is still fine, clutch was fine (before i switched it out for the exedy after the turbo) and nothing else is wrong really.

btw … xuper were you driving on hwy 7 today going west and turning left after commerce? i saw a z with those lights on the front refelctors and thought it may have been you since you said you hang around that area often …

it’s probably him, since he’s the only one rice enough to get those led lights :stuck_out_tongue:

I must have one of those 1 out of 100 defective 350z’s…

Goneinsixtyseconds - yes that was me on highway 7. haha… I believe i’m the only one in toronto with these LED reflectors… I’ve seen another Silver ZR with EVO-R leds which is different and ugly imo…

u’re also very lucky that u dont have a single problem at all… interesting…

Straysheep - as a matter of fact, i am considering selling the car and getting another one…

FYI I actually have more problems than that, i just didn’t mention them yet…

oh, there’s problems with the z, but nothing that was major like replacing an entire tranny or clutch, which both seem like common recalls with other z owners i’ve talked to. maybe i’m just not caring if my tranny is a bit notchy, or when i get this howling noise between 120km/h and 130 km/h. oh, i just remembered another recall/warrenty work i did for the z … the motor for both sides of the power windows both failed and were replaced.

wow… if that’s all the problems you have… then that’s pretty good…

My tranny was grinding in 2nd, 5th and 6th. It gets notchy from time to time as well. Even new tranny’s notchy…

My driver’s side window doesn’t work on cold days when it’s all the way down and try to roll it up… Told nissan about this, they didn’t do jack shit cuz they said it works fine. wtfff

oh, some of my gears grind periodically, but it wasn’t such a big deal if you learn to depress the clutch a tad more in that gear. a friend of mine changed his tranny b’cuz of grinding as well, the brand new tranny had the same problem, so it’s not like it makes that big of a diff. anyways.

I do depress my pedal all the way in. Even if the car is stopped, clutch in, put into 6th, it would grind. I’m sure new tranny will probably grind since nissan didn’t update it yet. Some people on changed their tranny 3-5 times already :eek:

It really annoys the hell out of me when pedestrians or bystanders around me hear the grinding then all turn their head at me and give me the look “oh that kid doesn’t know how to drive manual”

P.S. What are u doing online at 3:30 am? hahhaha

weird, my gears never grind unless i miss-shift (which doesn’t happen often)…maybe i haven’t put enough km’s on my car yet…(it’s at around 45k)

haha, i think David just got a lemon. I’ve had no major issues with my car…yet. Except for the feathering thing, for which i got brand new tires to replace my worn out ones.

If you’re looking for used, i suggest 04.5 (with revised suspension) on. To figure if the 04 is just 04 or 04.5, check if there are knee pads attached to the centre console. Another way is to look for a “CD-300” sticker on the strut of the suspension (easiest to see in the rear), and there should be a light purple sticker on the spring, thought that one is a bit hard to find.

Who knows… maybe i did get a lemon…

DJPyro, wanna buy my car? :smiley:

Right now, I am seriously thinking about swapping stock parts back on and selling the car…
If I do go this route, I’m thinking about buying 2 more cars… 1 summer car and 1 winter car… right now I’m thinking of Toyota MR2 SW20 Turbo for the summer car and Subaru 2.5RS for winter (bunta version :R)

P.S. goneinsixty seconds, I think I saw you couple of days ago at Golden Plaza at highway 7/chalmers around 12:00, was that you?

fully depress the clutch to shift its alot smoother too @_@