no wangan love...

so we started the night on the shoulder of the wanagan with our hazards on and ended the night on the shoulder of the wangan with our hazards on…

basically we’re so JDM tyte we broke a car that can make 1000hp!

Look on the upside, at least a ditch wasnt involved hahaha

i think Alex touched his transmission

maybe you should switch to a good ol’ reliable CIVIC :slight_smile:

yeah but then we’d all hear noise but never see a car since it’s vtec wont get it there lols

Holy Crap Rabbit another one???
You blow trannies like it’s your boyfriend on Friday night… Coincidentally Alex does the same thing

I vote PERMANENT BAN for whitefc

ha its the first one i blew … the other one didn’t blow my flywheel just like exploded T_T

lol poor rabbit, thats what you get for having whitefc as a passenger, and this is light too since you didnt end up in a ditch in -2 degree temperature waiting for a CAA towtruck lols

tk’s had how many 240s? alex’s GTR breaks every wednesday night at 3:22pm, you had some piston stop firing or something, rust galore on %99.9 of all nissans in the universe. ya rotarys blow but apex seals cost the same a coffee and donut at timmies and takes a total of like an hour to do! im not flaming im telling the truth :stuck_out_tongue:

Tranny probably blew cause josh flexed too hard in the car.

tk has had 2… One was t-boned (Not his or Nissans fault but he came out with no serious injuries which was excellent on the part of Nissans build for the extent of the accident) and the other car snapped what seems to be the tension rod and stabilizer bar link cause he drifted into a curb. Same would happen with any other car but a Mazda probably would’ve crumpled like a toy car instead.

Alexs GTR seems to be very stable after bountywolf and I pulled all nighters to change his engine. In reality we only spent 3 sloppy days. One night to pull the engine. One day for them to get the engine and put it in. One night to put the new engine in and start it. The engine before probably faced neglect… that would happen to any car but would happen Even faster on a Rotary motor because of their cheap crappy builds. (BTW, Nissan experimented with the Wankel Rotary in the first S110s {200sx/Silvia - 1979 -> 1983} but decided to scrap it in the first few builds because of the reliability issues which Mazda still can’t correct to this day. I don’t want to be spending any amount of time under the hood of my brand new RX8 which is supposed to burn 4 litres of oil between oil changes and has a hard ass time passing emissions from brand new. WTF is that???)

Yes, I had an injector stop firing because I chose to put in a cheap ebay ECU that was overdriving the stock injectors. That was fixed by putting in the stock ECU. I haven’t seen that problem again since I changed it which exceeds 3 months now.

Show me where the rust on my car is… Please do. Where is the rust on Alexs Skyline??? How about Rabbits GTS-4? Lets list a shitload of other members on TNC alone. Luis240sx?? I dare you. His is probably the cleanest of them all. It’s imposible for %0.01 to be rust free because even TNC probably makes up a larger portion than that. Mazda through the period that you’re talking about used the exact same metal and experiences the exact same thing. Especially FCs are motor/body crap heaps.

Apex seals… Please. Prove to me how you can pull an entire motor, then take it all appart to change it and put it all back together and into the car in just an hour. Please do. Why haven’t you done it yet then? What’s going on here? Nascar or some sports car racing series maybe, but then again on a regular car you can pull a motor, rebuild it and put it back into a car in half an hour if you’re in that class too.

There’s no truth behind what you’re saying. Please find something that is impossible to dispute.

Hey whitefc, i only have one counter arguement, your car still pretty much is just a bobsled since it has no engine in it hahaha

Patrick i was just freak’n joking geez no need to go off on a rant with your technical, obscure knowledge, i wasn’t out to attack anyone. Never realized nissan owns got so puffy when you make fun of their baby’s…as for your car problem from way back, all i remember from that night was “Patrick can’t come, he’s having engine trouble” no one told me what it was, and ya my bad i made a comment that i wasn’t informed about, so sue me

and as for cheap crappy rebuilds, i’m sorry but not all rebuilds are cheap and crappy, sure you can go for the aftermarket apex seals that are basically cardboard or you can not be a cheap ass and get stock, carbon or ceramic apex seals, and despite what basically everyone says, rotary engine are not unreliable…oh here it comes “what are you talking about, apex seals blow” “you can’t run boost without apex seals exploding” “ya you turn your car on and bam! there goes the apex seals” its called, wait 3 minutes to warm it up, wait 3 minutes to cool it down, my first FC had something ridiculous like 240,000km on it, unheard of for a rotary,(mainly because the guy who had it before me exercised something called patience) before i purposely blew my engine while i was waiting for my new engine to come in. if your schedule is too action packed with things to do and you can’t spare 3 minutes to warm your car or you just don’t feel like waiting, then push your car at like 190km/h for 15 minutes, i got news for you, ya you’ll have engine trouble. oh wow it burns oil, thats because there’s nothing retaining it. its a freak’n gas powered spirograph what do you expect? ya “engine’s shouldn’t burn oil, end of story. piston engines don’t” this just in, its not a piston engine :open_mouth: i know! omg something other than a piston engine, weird! personally, and i mean personally, everyone has different opinions (obviously) I would rather rebuild an engine like 2 times a year, IF it needed it then have an engine, like my old SR, crap out and screw me for new, basically everything. and this was with new internals, and no i wasn’t pushing it to like 9 billion rpm every day. and if you truly enjoy working on engines and cars, then why not rebuild your engine, it can be fun and you always learn new things from doing it. out of commission for xx days, take the bus, thats not an option, rent a car, thats not an option, steal a horse.

and ya as for my car being a bobsled, har har, my engine doesn’t run and my engine bay is empty and patrick to answer your statement about why i hav’nt done it yet thats called getting screwed in business deals and having your main mechanic go through really hard times and not be able to work on anything for you for like a year and a half and having one of your good friends die from heart failure and his family not being able to afford a funeral for him so my other friend and I took it upon ourselves to pay for it, i thought it would be more important than being “jdm tyte” p.s. so you guys know, i didn’t blow my REW, it was basically a straight trade which i knew i had to rebuild, but the guy shafted me. 2 apex seals my ass… try all apex seals from him droping the damn engine, side seals, spring seals and cracks in my damn turbos. If people would stop screwing with me, it’d be working right now, if i never did go REW, my FC would be basically everywhere i go. I’m not looking for sympathy or anything, im just informing you and everyone else who insults my car 5 times a week on a regular basis why so you can get the hell off my back about it. and last i checked Wil, your car isn’t in the best of shape either, hence why your battle gear car’s name is “curb”

also alex’s car thing is just a running joke about how he spun a bearing or what ever, then at the son meet in sauga when his intercooler pipe uncoupled, his clutch kerploded or what ever it was that happened plus what ever other stuff we don’t know about (secrets???), i know you guys did a good job swapping it, i cant remember but i think i stopped by for a few minutes one of the days near the end with BK whoppers, i think you left by then tho Patrick lol but explain this, Alex’s “engine clap”, rabbit gave him his max tune card, WHICH was a skyline. When he got it back, it didn’t work…coincidence? and ya your car doesn’t have rust, thats because you know how to take care of it, i took care of my 240 as best i could. underground storage, the works, rustproofed out the ying yang, i got rust! its inevitable, its called living in Ontario, i’ve had friends who work at nissan dealerships show me how their cars, while yes were exposed to the elements basically 24/7, rusted in like 4 months from sitting there. I’m not out to specifically pick on people’s cars, and ya you show me examples of people who have no rust, because they take care of it or the people before they had it took excellent care of it. cars rust Patrick, fact of life. Spd-dmn on son240, he has one of the cleanest coupes i’ve ever seen, i love his car, he its immaculate, he has rust. alex’s car i believe did have rust on it too, unless i’m thinking of the red GTS-4 japaneseimports had at the same time. i saw one of them on a hoist and ya…

and as for tk’s 240s, i think hes on his 3rd or 4th now, ya i know he got hit by a drunk girl and that fcuked his sh!t up hard, i’m not blind and def and last i checked hes my friend so odds are i’m on top of who crashes into him or not and i know his cars didn’t mysteriously have their engine’s explode and yes, he bent his tie rod and snapped his lower ca or something, i can’t remember and i think he said he sold his 89. but ya, although its nothing major and is a super easy fix, he has rust thats pretty obvious, even vlad K has rust, although you can’t really tell from his JDM tyte ride. he told me he had to replace his entire frame rail or something, my friend brian’s GTS-4 he had, it had rust. Ya nissans are cool yo i guess they must be impervious to rust then. and according to my import supplier, i dont know if its true or not, don’t quote me and correct me if its true or not cause i would like to know too, but weren’t S13s in japan made of new metal while S13s here were made of recycled? I really am not a scientist or anything, but the guy who told me said it was like the recycled metal was more prone to rusting than new forges. let me know on that tho, cause i don’t want to tell people that and spread lies, horrible horrible lies.
i’ll edit this if i think of anything else

oh ya 1 more thing, the FC scored amazing crash test ratings, its not a 1mm thin piece of rice paper with a hoodscoop like you might think it is

(forgive grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, im freak’n tired yo)

and yes cal, i think the flex had something to do with it

hahaha wow I wasn’t going off on a rant. I was just responding to each thing you said. This one is too big now and all over the place. It didn’t really offer a specific response to each of my statements so I won’t try to address one particular one but I’ll say generally for each. I guess we’ll have to battle it out the next time at CG or wherever.

“Patrick can’t come, he’s having engine problems”… I still showed up though with my car running on 5 cylinders and a girl in my passenger seat. I fixed it the next day.

Cheap vs. Good seals. That’s the way of life. Ask TK what I was talking to him about while I was driving him home that night. I’m pretty sure no one knows as well as me. I don’t have 3 minutes to wait before and after. I did push my car to excessive speeds (greater than 190) at times before Sept 30. A car is built so a user cannot exceed its max tolerances which means driving it like that for years. If you can beat the max tolerances then you have a crap car.

When I was working in an auto shop, the body man told me that cars don’t rust as fast with salt on them with various conditions. The point is to not keep the car cycling between warm and cold very often. So driving it on a cold salty day then parking it in your garage overnight causes the car to rust even faster. If you drive it in the winter, park it outside during the winter. The next best you can reach is Mother Nature… unless you park in a meat locker or refrigerator overnight. If that’s the case, tell me where you park and I won’t eat there every again. Orangy Juice

And BTW, I haven’t made fun of your car yet. Throw a motor in and bring it out, then I can make fun of it. :wink: Even the last post wasn’t making fun of your car. Just Mazda in general.
Getting screwed out of business deals. Also something that I’ve become very good at avoiding after the first few times it happened to me. If you enjoy changing engines then why do you have a mechanic? Do it all yourself.

EDIT – I believe the cause of rust was because of Nissans choice and other manufacturers choices not to use Galvanized steel during that period. Probably they were trying to cut significant costs. But then again I don’t have a specific answer to that.

Hey BTW Josh. You know me. Better than most of the people on TNC. You seriously think I give a ****? The dispute is all for the sport of it. It’s all for fun. I don’t focus on shit like that in real life.

haha stranded on the wangan, thats creative. Sorry to hear about the tranny though.

or an inexperienced driver who doesn’t know the limits. Theres no such thing as a car built to restrain itself at a certain point, ya redline limiters etc, run your car at the limit for 4 days, see what happens, turn too sharp at too high a speed, im sure thats not a vehicle flaw, often times its…dun dun dun…understeer hissss and fyi, YES its a rant :stuck_out_tongue: you had carefully stated points that were thought out in a carefully formulated layout, similar to an essay, but it was in def fence of nissan, which i guess it NEEDS cause it stinks so hard (literally, rabbit’s car stunk from the smoke) and i know you weren’t making fun of my car popcorn, it was wil <_< because hes an ass, we both decided it while driving around sauga last night.

as for the metal, im actually talking to my mechanic on msn right now and as he said “cheap recycled sh!t” and ya it was to cut cost, something MAZDA wouldn’t do…they’d just charge you a sh!t ton to fix stuff all the time and not worry because they cater to ballers.

and as for the engine, i don’t have the time or the space to do it, i don’t feel like building a 1:1 scale working 13B Puzz 3D in my dining room and my garage is stacked full of crap my dad refuses to throw out and refuses to let me throw out simply because of its “sentimental value” i didn’t know he loved gardening equipment and empty wine bottles so much lol

and the only reason you fixed your car so fast is because, and don’t make excuses, you’re popcorn…i heard you once built a working car out of Popsicle sticks and mayonnaise

back on topic tho, poor rabbit, it was quite a night tho! thank god for CAA not responding to our requests

“can we get a flatbed please”

“sure thing”

tow trucks aren’t flat beds, those would be tow trucks, hence the lack of a FLAT BED ON THE BACK