i want to scream...

The Z is dead…i called a tow truck…i’ll have updates when i know why…i hate the world.

damn another one bites the dust :tdown:

Damn, not cool.

Hopefully it’s nothing major… GL getting it up and running again.

thanks…this sucks and i cant get to school tomorrow

Taxi :slight_smile:

^^im smiling too…

Don’t forget to spend one night, possibly tonight getting shitfaced, go to school hungover tomorrow.

Show up at least 2-3 hours late.

Sleep in the same clothes you wore today, and wear them again tomorrow.

Don’t shave, don’t shower.

Breakfast will consist of several pots of coffee with at least 4 pain relievers/aspirin of your choice.

Then after you finish the hour of school you have left, start figuring out what’s wrong with the car :tup:

always sucks when this happens, good luck gettin it fixed man, hopefully its nothing to big

Scream like a lil school girl

:frowning: i told you from day 1 :tdown:

things really do run best before they go kaboom :frowning:

if you need anything, give me a holla

what did it do? maybe we could start diagnosing now and give u a good start tomorrow…


too much downforce :stuck_out_tongue:

what happened?

as already posted in that OTHER forum, i am more than willing to help in any way i can, send me a pm with a place or number to go or call…

and i still have my old NA engine laying around waiting to be parted out/sold for whatever anybody wants to offer me…just something to keep in mind if you can and will fix yours

beckington = :tdown:
u knew nothing about the car from day 1


Go buy a DSM, you’ll get used to this feeling :tup:


Sorry man…

i said it was beat on… thats it.

ok im cruisin down union…probably never hit 40mph cause of contruction so i wasnt racing it or even brought revs up high at all…after a while i start hearing some gay noises…dont know what it is…so i go get gas and open the hood and try to listen…cant really tell whats goin on…didnt sound TOO bad…mygf lives 1 mile from the gas station so i try to drive there…the battery light, seatbelt light, abs light and some other light went on (basically every light on the left side of the dash) and all lights would dim every once in a while…car starts making bad metal rattling noise…as if…something is loose…trying to hear it over my exhaust and cant really tell still just a lot of wild noise…get it to her house park in the street and it is rattling and faggoting like a mofo so i shut it off…try to start it…dead…lights work…but wont start at all…i try it after i posted on here thinking maybe things cooled down and it just is all gay and rattling/banging/fagging/knocking/pinging…u name it…just bad noise

i got a new timing belt/tensioner/idler last week…could they just have sucked at putting everything together?

would it crank over?

first time it souned like the starter grinding…tried it a minute later…nothing at all…so i left…when i came back…it started up :tup: but still crazy noises…i think when i got the timing belt/tensioner/idlers replaces last week they just sucked at it…pistons probably hitting valves and shit…im not paying one penny(if thats the problem)