Breaking news! Ed is a little bitch!

I rag on newbs for not researching when they first join so they don’t make the same mistakes I did.

I love how you asked if this is too complicated for me, because CLEARLY it is for you. You don’t have to be able to do something better to say that someone is doing a shit job. People that don’t even know how to play hockey constantly bitch about how shit of a job the Leafs are doing. Does that mean they’re wrong?
And my car was a lot better than his, with a lot less money in it. The only thing I have a problem understanding is what point you’re trying to prove. That I paid too much for parts and my car didn’t have a flashy and pretty exterior like yours? I’ll be the first to agree to that. When I first joined SON, I was misinformed by the userbase to a very high degree, and then ripped off on every part I bought early on. But you can’t tell me that I don’t have the right to give my opinion on a car when someone posts pics of it. Because if you are, honestly, I’ve given you way too much credit, and I assure you, I haven’t given you much :stuck_out_tongue:

G - I don’t have any pics of my S13 when it was completed :frowning: I never got a chance to take any, as it sold pretty much right away.