Breaking News: Explosion reported at Boston Marathon

Even conspiracy theory websites think Alex Jones (infowars) is an idiot :crackup

oh the irony…

Warning: Stay Away From Alex Jones!!!Here me now and believe me later…

Something big is brewing around Alex Jones and it’s NOT GOOD…

You don’t want to be seen as one of his “devoted followers”…

Trust me on this…

I don’t want to see innocent truth seeks get hurt by associating with this guy…

I know the shills will come out of the wood work on this one…

That’s fine…

I’ll tell you this much… there are some people very close to him that have information that will destroy him and anyone associated with him…

When it happens you can come back and revisit this thread and wonder how I knew…

Not to mention it’s clearly a part of something bigger

no chemtrails since the bombing :ahh