BREAKING NEWS!!!! IMPORT LAW CHANGE!!! 15yrs to 10 yrs

We at the IVOAC did it, they listened to our Petition and are now going to move ahead with amending the import law to 10 years over 15 because of the expectation that newer cars are safer than old ones (simple and makes sense).
“Standards of compliance will be reviewed and altered accordingly to ensure that vechicles dated 10 years and older can be imported and registered as safe automobiles for Canadian use…”

This is AWESOME!!

I can’t find the article, is this some sort of sick and twisted april fool’s joke?

yeah nice try

its on the first page of thier news page.

Link or ban

/thread <----- its right there on where the links are.

lol dude sorry but i still can’t see it. what’s the article title?


its under the heading “tc importation rules amendment (effective april 01, 2007)”

omg … that’s AWESOME news :slight_smile: i ordered my r34 today, actually ordered 5 of them. you get a refund when you buy them in 5-packs under the new rule by revenue canada …

april fools much?

“i believe that when me shit turns purple, and smells like rainbow sorbet”

get your facts straight. they dont give you a refund for 5 r34’s. they only give you refunds if you get them in the assorted 6 pack(1 r33, 1 r34, 1 mkIV supra, evo 6, evo3, and a subaru GC8 version V)


2nd post

Oh Alex, you really fooled us!!..


man did Alex ever burn us…

What amazing, BREAKING NEWS…!!! hahahaha

you may find this funny, but skylines are no laughing matter. when this ban is implimented, roughly 30 million canadians will be forced to go without skylines. but you can help… with your donation of 50 cents a day you can ensure that at one canadian wont be forced to go without a skyline. that’s less than the price of a cup of coffee. so please… donate today… and help change the world… one person at a time…

Thank you

Because we are located in Nigeria, we are unable to set up an off-shore account due to lack of monies. So please forwarded all cash to the following location.

Payment to the following pay-pal account please:

Your is jenerosity greatly appreciated


ur off by a day.

^i admited it was a joke after the day itself. hence it was an april fools joke.