Come on guys help keep the 15 year rule.

Everyone voice your comments about the planned change to the 15 year rule on imported cars to the 25 year rule this means we will not be seeing anymore RHD skylines, silvias, 180sx, evo’s, RX&7’s, no one wants that so follow the link and express your concern and make sure that the rule stays,
link to public comments

15 year rule page
Come on guys we all want the chance to own a skyline or a silvia or even a rhd fair lady 300Z lets make sure the rule stays the way it is

Hmm…time to invest on a couple of R32’s…and watch the resell value go up…:slight_smile:

knows where its at, i’m thinking of taking out a loan next year and jump on this deal

If you guys plan on getting your cars next year… it will probably be too late…
Get them now while you can…:frowning:

so when this does happen will they still be leagle to drive or no?

The one’s here will be fine; just new imports after the date they issue will not be allowed in…

i got my car wooooooooooooo! so i don care… hehe

JDM Imports / JI, please import me a Toyota Diesel truck/car/sedan variant, and I’ll buy from you soon… I’ll put my left nut as collateral, and you can keep it until I hand you over the cash… Alternatively, you can just use it as a cargo-mover, and I’ll take it off your hands when my insurance rates lower… :R:R:R:R:R:R:R

What if for some reason the car is written off or something to that sort, and you want another one… wouldn’t you care then?

I kind of figured this was coming. The writing was on the wall when Australia did the same and was aware that this may be an eventuality when I got mine last year. I believe the government was watching Australia go through it’s teething period on this and will likely follow suit with it’s shutting down. I’m hoping it’s not before I get a chance to see what’s available for the 93 Mk IV Supra or the Soarer. I wouldn’t be suprised that this would be inacted 1 Jan 08. Those of us that do have the RHD cars shouldn’t have too much problems for parts as I believe that engine and front clip importing should still remain intact. fingers crossed
There’s always the Aussie sites for parts as well.

… damit then i wont be able to get my car…
what are the chances of them not passing this law anyways?

Right now its looking pretty good that we should make it but that doesnt meen to let our gaurds down cause the government screws us left right and center so we got to make it stick.

I just submitted my feedback to this issue. Suffice it to say that the caveat for this initiative (Child restraint saftety standards) is really grasping at straws here. Needless to say, the Canadian Used Car market and it’s high powered lobbiests have found an obscure reason(s) for the Ministry to negate this 15 year window of opportunity to 25 years. I hope the rest of you see through the smoke and mirrors here.

it is unfortunate news, but i honestly don’t see the purpose in importing a car from Japan, when the government / authority personel don’t even let your enjoy modding it and driving it around. i know people that get pulled over, driving safe, limit, obeying all the laws and everything, and just because they’re on the right side of the car, driving, they would get pulled over out of suspicion or something.

i mean, its fun if you just track the car or something like that, and its out of sight from popo’s. but, then whats the point, the purpose of a car is to drive it. whats the point if its just sitting somewhere 3/4 of the year.

meh, thats just my opinion.

i don’t think the hassle is worth it.

^^ agreed… like if it were a 180sx or something you’ll get away with it more than a skyline, and for one if you damage/crash your skyline there isnt much parts to get right away in my opinion. Im not backing the law in anyway i think its really stupid of the government because one day i would like to import a 180sx for my own pleasure but doesnt look like that will be happening.

Im sure JDM Imports and Japanese Imports already know what they’ll be doing after this law passes anyways, dont think that will stop them :smiley: good luck to you all :R

Too bad on that rule possibly being extended. I did see a very nice Skyline heading south on the DVP from the 401 this afternoon. Red with a black hood, interior roll bar and some racing sponsorship decals on the sides. ‘Trust’ something or other was one of them. Very nice sounding too.