Breaking out the summer wheels...

It can stop better with better brakes off a newer Mustang design.

Like trying to stop from 80 mph and going way past where I wanted to stop before and stopping where I want to after. That was what made me do the swap, not the wheel choices. I wouldve been fine with the stock Pony wheels but I knew that if I was going to go fast Id need to be able to stop fast too.

The factory fox body brakes just arent anywhere near as good as Sn95 brakes. Alot more fade and shit.

It stops fine enough right now. shrugs I’m not racing it any time soon or doing anything crazy with it, so I’m not to worried about it.

wash it every week or two and your fine. i just hit up hoffmans when my car has the michael jackson disease.

The Michael Jackson disease???

the car needs to be white , vanilla ice sittin in it singin rollin in my 5 point 0 lolololololololol

I want a cream interior. I think it’d look good with the electric green, what do you guys think?

clean on the outside, creame on the inside

I have three main reasons I keep my vette off the road in the winter.

The first is, I know my abilities to drive in the winter and if it were just me on the road. I would drive it, everything else considered. It is the other assholes who can’t drive for shit in the winter time that worry me.

The second is putting it away for the winter helps to make up for all the miles I put on it in the summer.

The third is that the car does not MOVE in even a quarter inch of snow. It is two inches off the ground meaning on most of the backroads I take I would be plowing snow more than anything. Not something I want to put the car through.

That is why I have the AWD VR4 for the winter. It is a tank in the snow and still fun to drive.

The vette comes out to play when its nice out or pretty much as soon as the temps start to avg 50.

Yep same here. reasons my summer rides get parked.

Insurance cost: I pay 100$ or so less every 6 months when the cars are parked for winter. deductable goes up to the max 1000$+ and the rest of the shit gets put to the min. Still keep coverage on it incase something happens to it, or it get robbed or something.

Miles: I drive my stuff alot in the summer. I go to work in/on them everyday, 60 miles a day… becasue I cross my fingers that I run into someone that wants to play. (BTW dont you hate the feeling when you see someone out that you want to bat rape but your driving your daily/shitbox lol) If I park it for the winter, its like half the miles on the odo per year.

Saftey: They are too low/light/rwd to go anywhere even with tank tracks for tires. Or too much whp to plant again even without snow just on cold pavement and salt. Also like 99 said, I can drive and wont be pissed if “I” crash… but bet your ass if you cause damage to my car I will punch your dome in.

Carwashes suck in the winter. I dont even bring my car to a public wash in the summer, touchless or not. Let alone allowing them to grind all the salt into my paint! $7+ to wash it only to drive it 10 miles away from the wash and its dirty/salty again is a waste of money. And the lines are retarded to wait in too.

Nobody is on the road to rice with in the winter anywayz, so why bother taking it out. lol

i dont drive my cars in the winter because i break them in the summer.

Norwood saiz nor would


Effin, that mustang is not that bad lookin.

car turns from black to white.

lol ironic eh?

^^more reasons why I keep mine off the road too. Except for the racing part… I’ve only raced mine once, some idiot at 2am at a red light revving his engine. I blew him away. :slight_smile:

Haha… I caught that earlier too.

Thanks :slight_smile: