breezewood proving grounds (leave the video at original size for best quality)

i went down to breezewood proving grounds this past weekend … heres a short video i took while i was down there. you can check out their place at they have everything youd need there. some parts if you need em, a cabin to rent, air compressor, full kids track, indoor pit bike track, 2 motorcross tracks (one is faster and open, one is tighter and technical) he’s adding another mx track for next year though too

looks like a cool place to ride other than it’s all hard pack, do the ever disc it up?

that was my first time there. he says he does disc it up but it wasnt that day. only once section of the other track was done. there were at least a dozen dirt bikes there sunday so you’d be okay;)

that place looks sweet! (does look like concrete tho, lol). i want to go…plus they have pitbike stuff.

thats :cool:

this is a note from dan (the owner):

the tracks at Breezewood will be kept flat and hard pack for the fall and winter months. This allows the rain to drain much better and allows us to keep the breaking and acceleration bumps out while the ground is freezing and thawing.

this is a note from dan (the owner):

the tracks at Breezewood will be kept flat and hard pack for the fall and winter months. This allows the rain to drain much better and allows us to keep the breaking and acceleration bumps out while the ground is freezing and thawing.

![ view.jpg]( view.jpg)

that looks like a nice place

and that dude is pretty bad ass on a quad

not really. the jumps were all easy.

i meant the heel clicker…i know my ass cant do that but i can ride pretty good

i think i’m going up on sunday … anyone else in?

my bike is blown up.

we have a few guys heading down to bpg on saturday the 25th to ride all day and a free turkey dinner … anyone else wanna go???

everybody missed one hell of a day riding… 2 quad pros were there, jason dunkelburger and dustin wimmer, they were there tearing up the track. some shots of me…

![ bgp 001 (small).jpg]( bgp 001 (small).jpg)
![ bgp set two 100 (small).jpg]( bgp set two 100 (small).jpg)