Bringing the Camaro back to life...

Picking up under drive pullies and electric fan Friday. Nitrous fuel system in December. Weight loss in between!

Thanks for the hookup on the hood slowmarro!!! Saved a LOT of money and a LOT of weight.

Hood really weighs 300lbs???

Prolly a good 50# pounds or more .

The Camaro looked good Travis, lots of potential left in that car for sure! It was great meeting your dad too, he seems like a really great guy.

Thanks for the ride in the Evo…that car is amazing! Made me remember why I wanted to build a turbo car instead of another Big Block.

Thanks for making the trip up man! Great seeing you again. Glad you enjoyed the ride!!

Small update…

Had a few parts for awhile, but no time to install them. We were both free today, so we got the underdrive pulleys on, and the electric fan mounted. Got some parts to send to BL Coatings, and once the dedicated nitrous system is installed, I’ll wire it all up.

Removed nose today, revealing the gigantic bar that will be removed-

Just took 77 pounds off of the car (this POS and associated brackets)

the front bumper bar was 77lbs? Holy Crap!

Bar was 55, but all the additional crap was 22. Unreal.

Damn…that should help with weight transfer…lol

Holy shit , and there is more in there to come out

Yep. Not much more (if any) from the nose, but the door beams are still intact. Weight loss is at 115 lbs between the fiberglass hood and nose shit.

Gonna yank any interior supports and bullshit ?

From the nose? Yeah that came out. At this point we’re probably just going to do the door beams, and passenger seat when it’s at the track.


get fiberglass fenders and doors. I linked up a site with them somewhere in this thread


This car is going to go 10’s next season with a minimal investment. That’s the goal, and it’ll happen.

make fiberglass fenders & doors then!