!!!!Broken Bolt!!!

Hey guys, i was adjusting my timing and when i went to tighten the bottom bolt on my distributor, it was suddenly broken, don’t know how it happened but how do i get it out?
Is it ok to drive around in the mean time with only one in?
I need to get to work tomorrow!!

just put the other one back in and drive it. the broken bolt prob isnt commin out on its own. you will probably have to drill the hole out and retap and thread it. unless u can weld a new top on and then unscrew it… just a guess.

Drill through the middle of it, then get one of those reverse drill bit sets that is used for reversing out broken bolts. Makes life very easy.

werd … sucks when it happens … but it is better than retapping it

go to canadian tire and get a drill out its a little drill bit that u use to drill into the broken stud and the u reverse the stud out it really works and it like 30$ if its not on sale

i tried using a bolt extractor

4/5 times it’s worked great, 1/5 times it snapped in my pre drilled hole.

I took a cutting disc and cut a slit into the broken bolt, took a screwdriver and popped it out.
Easiest thing I have EVER done. 2 minutes or less, start to finish.

Thanks to Livin Sideways for the idea.

shit, that would take me 2 min’s to get out with either a good set of vise grips and a can of liqued wrench or a drill or just weld another piece of Steel to it.