Broken Dog Tail. help?

My dog diesel appears to have broken her tail. Word on the street/google says they normally will dock the tail. That being said, shes going to the vet in the am. Anybody here have any idea what this is going to cost me?


EDIT: dog is a 4 year old, 25 lb beagle.

Noooooooooo, poor Diesel. :frowning:

No idea.

:frowning: This wasn’t from me was it?

i dont know what its from… but its not looking good for her tail :frowning:


Hope she is ok Will!

I tried to look it up online and it says somewhere between 80-200 dollars.

thanks… i hope thats accurate.

IF NOT… Ill post a step by step DIY. :tup:

LOL do it up!

Garden shears. check
Alcohol/Peroxide. check
Betadyne. check
Band-Aid. check
2 band-aids. just in case. check
one adorable broken tailed beagle. check

i think shes ready for surgery.

Oh boy.

you need a heavy duty rubber band to stop blood flow, as well as some ice probably.

Not much you can do for a broken tail, my JuJu has one for the last two months( Italian Greyhound happens alot) does not effect him at all.

You forgot the duct tape, and makeshift lead pipe for a splint.

seriously. 2 months? i was told blood may stop flowing to it and it will just fall off if unattended. Id rather be safe and have it checked out. I hope they are gentle with the bill. eek.

how the hell ddi that happen

no clue… i took a nap and when i came downstairs there was a kink in her tail :frowning:

sounds like you need a pipe bender not a vet

Shouldn’t be worried about the bill, you should be worried about your dogs feelings. Like I said I know my dog is different, it happens to them all the time. But if i were you I would take him to the vet and stop worrying about money, how would you feel if your owner wouldn’t take you to the vet because he didn’t want to spend a few hundred dollars on your well being?Its not fair, if you think its bad most times its is. Dont ask a online forum, just take him there, you wouldn’t ask about one of your kids fingers that got stuck in a car door and is hanging if you should take them to the hospital or not would you?

Sorry, I just love my dogs and would do anything to help or protect them. Not saying you dont or would not.

I would and will, but im working an overnight and the vette is closed. emergency vet said not to worry til monday. She isnt in any pain, i just want it dealt with, and wondered what i should expect to pay. thats all./