Broken Dog Tail. help?

You’re so clearly a car guy…“The vette is closed”

I hope diesel is ok :frowning:

damn it. i seriously typed vette a million times and went back to ammend it. I must have missed one.

Hey my dog Mercedes had similar accident. The tip of her tail broke…and that’s when it all began. It started to bother her after a while and I noticed she would start to lick it. Well the licking turned into nibblilng and soon after that I can home from work and she had bitten the end of her tail clear off. It was brutal! Needless to say we had to dock her tail…not cheap! Mercedes is a couple years older than Diesel and total cost after all was said and done closer to $1200. That was for the vet, the surgon, meds, anestetics, etc. She had to wear a cone for like 2 months i think…now that it’s off she is back to her old self but it’s not fun. Good luck!

Our cat, Carrera, got her tail stepped on by a horse when she was a kitten. She used to live in a barn, and it was before we took her home. It’s right on the end and it doesn’t seem to bother her now, so the vet told us to just leave it. Maybe Diesel won’t need it docked if it doesn’t hurt.

this happened to my first beagle we had, she lived until she was 19. she was hit by a snowplow in the road and had to have her tail removed. she looked kind of funny with no tail, but the surgery went well.

i couldnt tell you the cost though, i would have been too young. hope your dogs alright though.

If you haven’t done anything yet or are still looking for help, PM me. My sister works at the vet in OP and owns a beagle herself. She would know what to do.

My parents cat has a kink in its tail. It’s fine… :shrug:

Best of luck though

her tail isnt broken, or fractured for that matter. It looks a little inflamed but it looks like shes going to be able to keep her tail, even if it is a bit crooked. YAY!

Glad to hear it’s ok!


This this like a kink in your penis?

learn to type. then come back trying to make jokes.

and no. there arent bones in your penis

Read dude. Dog’s going to the vet in the morning.