My dog got loose and then like 5 min later we see her laying next to my neibors barn by the road. We called, she doesnt get up. so my dad went over and she was all bloody and her paw was like almost severd. so right now my dad is rushing her to the vet. Hope she is ok. Shes my baby.
Sorry to hear, pets are such an investment in emotions for the short time that they are here.
awww poor thing :(*
:word: and financial investment too
but damn they can be so important to us!
best luck with the doggie
best of luck, dogs are like best friends. Money means nothing when it comes to my dogs health.
+1. Hope everything works out.
That sucks man…I hope all is well. Did she get hit? attacked by an animal? If she got hit FUCK the person that didnt stop! I hope they die 1000 times over and rot in hell.
Sorry to hear that JEG, I know I give you shit all the time but I honestly feel for you man… I hate it when dogs get hurt…
sorry bro :tdown: i’d be upset
that’s a bummer, man. though you seem relatively calm about it.
but maybe if it loses the paw you can get one of those sweet dog wheelchairs for it.
Good luck man… Pets getting injured sucks big time.
just put a wheel on there instead :tup:
hope things get better, dude
Sorry to hear man, good luck.
I love my dog and I understand what you’re going through.
wow man that sucks hard. i hope everything is ok with him/her
i just told my dog to go away because it came up to me with its frisbee in its ,outh and wanted to play…i think im gonna go outside and throw his frisbee for him for a little while now.
No kidding. I never had a dog growing up so I had no idea. But my wife and I have one now and I can’t imagine life without her.