to the person that hit the dog and drove away...

fuck you you fucking fuck. its not cool to hit anything or anyone and leave it crying and bleeding in the street. dont worry though, i took care of getting him into good hands. fucker.

that’s ridiculous. some people are fucking disgusting.

is this the doggy on french road?

Some people are so fucking low.

karama will work its way back to them dont worry …animals have feelings as well.

Oh and +1x infinty karama to you for doing the right thing!


People like that fucking suck.

the boxer?

2 years ago my buddies dog was hit in the street infront of his house on the 4th of July. Unfortunatly the dog died. People are worthless.

Thats fucked up…I just dont understand some fucking lowlife asshats out there.

If i ever saw someone do that and i was driving i think i might actually follow them and honestly wait until they got out of their car, walk up to them and just start throwing fists at their face. But ive never seen it happen so im not sure.

karma will bite ya in the ass, they’ll get whats coming to them eventually.

If the owner of the dog would keep it on a leash…

I wouldnt leave it laying there, but if your dog is off it’s leash, runs into the road and fucks up my car… I hope you plan on giving me your insurance information to cover the damages.

^ word.

if you don’t hit it on purpose… shit happens.

i’d def call in and report it if i didn’t have time to stop and tell a little kid i ran over his dog.

it was on seneca by the 400 entrance

aw man is he ok?

as far as i know yeah, he looked like the dog you found the one night last summer what was his name? astro?

ya astro. i miss that dog

poor little guy. where’d you take him?
