to the person that hit the dog and drove away...


I wouldnt leave it laying there, but if your dog is off it’s leash, runs into the road and fucks up my car… I hope you plan on giving me your insurance information to cover the damages.



and dogs suck anyway.

I once saw someone’s German Shepherd dead on the side of the road :cry:


sad. (not in relation, but to show how sick people can be with animals) i took my dog to the dog park yesterday and they were telling me how people will constantly bring their dogs there and just leave them cause they cant take care of them, she said last week someone left a 6 month old lab and took off (mind you this is over 100 acre dog park). luckily someone found him and turned him, now hes sitting in a shelter…

fuckin pisses me off, esp since i just had to give my other dog up, which was a lab, cause i was forced to move, and could only fit into a smaller apt. but it took no time for me to find someone to take him, which was a ladys’ mom who had an 80 acre horse farm

people make me SICK


serious, why leave a pet somewhere helpless, there are only about 243598247590287 places that will willing take in an animal…


serious, why leave a pet somewhere helpless, there are only about 243598247590287 places that will willing take in an animal…


pride…people dont want to look like a bad person for giving a pet away cause they dont want it or cant take care of it

dont get me wrong I love dogs and I think its pretty fucking gay the person didnt even stop to help out the dog and I hope they die of AIDS and all, but the owner is part to blame not keeping him tied up

god. people need to learn to just drown their unwanted pet in a trash can, than let it roam free.


pride…people dont want to look like a bad person for giving a pet away cause they dont want it or cant take care of it


if i ever had to get rid of any one of my 3 dogs, i wouldnt let my pride stand in the way of finding my animals the best care possible… then again I wouldnt let my dogs go for any other reason other than if they were in physical pain- its the pet owners responsibility to care for their animal no matter what- even if I couldnt afford the 3 of them, and theyre big dogs- they eat a lot and cost a lot, I would find a way- whether that meant sacraficing a luxury of my own, or sucking up my pride and asking for help.
as for a hit and run on an animal- that person should be shot and left to bleed.


if i ever had to get rid of any one of my 3 dogs, i wouldnt let my pride stand in the way of finding my animals the best care possible… then again I wouldnt let my dogs go for any other reason other than if they were in physical pain- its the pet owners responsibility to care for their animal no matter what- even if I couldnt afford the 3 of them, and theyre big dogs- they eat a lot and cost a lot, I would find a way- whether that meant sacraficing a luxury of my own, or sucking up my pride and asking for help.
as for a hit and run on an animal- that person should be shot and left to bleed.


i agree completely… like i said in my other post, i had to give my other dog away, not cause i didnt want him or anything like that but cause when i had to move into the smaller apt, it wasnt fair to have a lab and german shepherd couped up in an apt, esp not since we just came from a house. when i found out this lady had a horse farm i knew hed be happier. believe me i think about how i didnt want to give him up every day, but it was the better thing to do for him.

and yes, the guy who hit the dog should be shot in the face, brought back to life and shot in the face again


If i ever saw someone do that and i was driving i think i might actually follow them and honestly wait until they got out of their car, walk up to them and just start throwing fists at their face. But ive never seen it happen so im not sure.




I wouldnt leave it laying there, but if your dog is off it’s leash, runs into the road and fucks up my car… I hope you plan on giving me your insurance information to cover the damages.




and yes, the guy who hit the dog should be shot in the face, brought back to life and shot in the face again


or sodomized with a broken beer bottle, pine cone, pineapple, and hand grenade in that order.


I wouldnt leave it laying there, but if your dog is off it’s leash, runs into the road and fucks up my car… I hope you plan on giving me your insurance information to cover the damages.



If the owner of the dog would keep it on a leash…



I love the people who go straight to blaming the owner. Shit happens, animals get loose. It doesn’t mean it’s ok for someone to hit the dog and take off.


I love the people who go straight to blaming the owner. Shit happens, animals get loose. It doesn’t mean it’s ok for someone to hit the dog and take off.


true… my idiots like to run out front from time to time just to piss me off… but if someone were to hit one of them, i would expect for them to atleast stop and see if the dog was ok- whether or not they wanted my insurance information, who cares, the dog is priority, deal with your pile of metal later. no responsible owner allows their animal to run out in traffic- but accidents happen.


…deal with your pile of metal later…


How dare you.


How dare you.


a car can be repaired and made ‘new’ again…
a dog is a living being, once its dead, its dead.


a car can be repaired and made ‘new’ again…
a dog is a living being, once its dead, its dead.


Yes, a car can be repaired and if you or your possessions cause damage to my car, you are obligated to repair it or I can easily take you to court for damages. The entire front end of my car is fiberglass, if I hit a decent sized dog (50+lbs) it wouldn’t be pretty for me and you’d be out a ton of cash.


Shit happens, animals get loose.


Well if shit happens and your doggie gets loose and everything is cool, then shit will happen and rover will get trucked. No one should be throwing a hissy fit when that happens either :shrug:
So if shit happens, then shit happens. Don’t get all righteous like it’s the guy with the car’s fault. He’s just driving along on the road, where DOGS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE FIRST PLACE. It’s not like he rolled up on the sidewalked ran through your fence and hit the dog.

“You” being a general term and all, and not aimed at anyone person in particular.

Gotta love a country where nothing is ever your fault.


a dog is a living being, once its dead, its dead.


and if it runs out in to traffic. it deserves to be dead.



and dogs suck anyway.


you shut up, or ill put you on a leash and walk you.