Bronx illegal dirt bike riders stopped by police killing one an injuring another.

im sorry i dont tuck my tail inbetween my legs and have the balls to speak my mind… a very large majority of “them” lets call them just have insane thought processes JUST like your fighting me about :)… They probably thought they werent doing anything wrong… they think they can call me a cracker, honkey or white boy but i cant call them ni99a without it being a problem… remember i see ni99as diff then civilized african americans just like someone would seperate a redneck from a white collared man…i dont hate blacks, i hate ni99as.

[ame=“”]N.W.A. - Fuck Tha Police + Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Dave’s theme song. Everybody turn up the volume.

im not pitman, i dont think all cops are wrong, i just think this cop was wrong in this particular incident.

Well with any luck maybe they will stop riding the streets without a helmet on unregistered/unisured/not street legal machines like complete assholes.

They aren’t even commuting on these things, they are literally out to just be assholes and try to bring up the APH (assholness per hour) average to the max.

Going out on a legal machine, with a helmet with some friends and occasionally popping a wheelie or whatever while obeying 98% of other laws is an entire different ballgame from what these guys do.

non of that is relevant to this argument as i agree with almost all above… for like the 10th time lol, i quoted a post that said they should be shot on the spot and stated my opinion that, that is ludacris and no one deserrves to DIE from what they did.

btw, i have a dirtbike that is prob the same exact thing as what they were riding on the streets that just happens to be one thats legal… soo ur saying its a totally diff ball game JUST because im registered?

these guys are asking to get hit by someone. hopefully they will learn from this. but judging my their actions, im going to say they wont.(they think its so ok to taunt poilce and drive like douche bags) i think more should be hit. if you drive a moto bike on the road and obey the traffic laws then i have no issues with you. but when you purposely do something like whats being done in the vids then there is no sympathy from me if you get hurt/killed being a moron.

Fact that you are licensed (hopefully), registered and insured yes its a whole different ballgame.

You have a headlight, taillight (nice thing when you’re behind these fools to know when they decide to slam on the brakes) blinkers for lane changes and insurance for when they inevitably crash and damage somebody elses property.

Hard to crash in NYC while doing a wheelie without hitting a person or another car.

I’m sure you’d be pissed as hell if they just damaged your new G and had no insurance and just ran off and you had no plate to take down or anything.

Ooooooooo shitttttttt no he didn’t.

Worse part is Dave would fucking run the guy over with his car if he did that.

Or chase them down with a loaded shotgun…but people like that don’t deserve to die.

Yeah I went there…stirring the pot LOL.

Fact :rofl


oh hey, I think I remember the day this happened. Was listening to 1010, stuck in traffic, and I figured it must’ve been these guys.

Cop did the right thing. Give him a medal!

I’m with Dave on this one cop was dead wrong tondo what he did but I bet every cop that’s been chasing these asshole for how long now and getting embarrassed would have done the samething… Fact of the matter is like Dave said if this was your brother or relatives in the video everyone would be Ina uproar and a condolences would fall from the sky like champagne…

If this was somebody I know being in a video doing all this shit just to get hit by a cop, I’d bring the cop a dozen donuts because odds are I would have been telling this person that I know that they are retarded for quite some time now and they are gonna get it.

So no, I wouldn’t be in uproar.

It doesn’t make a difference who’s in the picture. You do retarded shit, tease cops and break dozens of laws something is going to happen. Don’t play with fire.

Besides who’s the idiot that jumps on a back of his friends bike without a helmet as his friend is being chased by the cops?

These guys are responsible for the consequences of their retarded actions.


IMO, keep taking them out. One hood rat at a time. They live like fuckin animals down there.

If I was that Police officer, I would have handcuffed that fucker and thrown his dead body in the back of the cop car and drove around to where all of those fuckers hang out with their buddies dead face staring out the window at them.

The second those guys jumped on that bike, no helmet, no gear, no care for anyone, even themselves… They did it to themselves.

the guy that walked into my store was a career con man that purposely causes harm and sufferage to others to better himself… Yes, if i could have killed him, I probably would have, he DESERVES to die.

Some kids whos INTENTIONS are not to run someone over or hurt anyone rather pass there time in a foolish way deserve to have the law thrown at them, NOT death…

lol, you are in the military right? Basic training was prolly the most intense 12 weeks of your entire life working on the books 24 hours a day and all you made that entire time was the same $3k that was stolen from me… I wouldnt even want to see you do anything if someone robbed you (you probably wouldnt anyway, call the police and cry about it to them while they shrug it off and tell you your fucked) as it would make it 10 times more comical to watch 3k get taken from you and you not do a damn thing about it lol…