Buckle up your selt be for safey motha Fkr's...

Hey man thanks, i didn’t know i couldn’t post 3 times in a row.Oh and you are right people who are born to such temperatures will not have an issue. most of the people who will, will either be old or from colder countries in places like central europe on vacation and stuff.

dude just entertainment. i work 7 days a week, from 7 to 3pm as an architech, and thats because im saving up to get married in two years, so i get bored as fk sometimes.lol so thinking about stuff like this makes me get out of that daily routine. And for those of you who have Gf and about to get married know what im talking about,hehe.

no it wasn’t directed to you, i was just saying someone else said that, if David sazuki said what he said that thats kool, but how many people listen to him, i mean really like polititians, David does think scientifically and with common sence, he dosen’t just relate to science for proof, he uses history, and past evidence for his talks too.

dude i was assuming we were talking about 1000’s dying on earth not just Canada, although i did mention the Canadian ozone layer, maybe thats where you assumed i was only talking about Canada.my fault.

nahh nothing personal, i was being sarcastic about your car and all, i don’t think i’d really torture your car like i do my bike.hehe my bike probably hates me for raping it all the time, and lets me know when i have to re-place pistons.lol

after reading the above you probably realised we were betting on the wrong thing, but if your up for a race.lol…jks

Good point, but that nissan thing way, ahh weak, anyways, i know because i was in a phase where i researched on all or the 3 top religions of the world, and combined all the info that was in them, and it is clearly shown in these books about the begining to the end of times, obviously we can’t go back to the begining of time, but relating to the current time it very precisely says in it how the weather will change and how often diasters of kinds will multiply itself every year from a certain time, its all too detailed to write up.

Well i started relating the religious books with science, and there was a point where i used those books as a referance to science, because even though science is great it still is evolving, if for a truth to exist there only has to be ONE proof, and the religious books have proved it more than once, so who would i belive, and lets just say okay if it wasn’t god who wrote the books, who ever did, knew what they were talking about, so im not saying science is not important, im saying its not the only resouce to follow when people hit a road block.

dude, just go to a huge library, and get the bible,kuran,torah,and some texts on the Hindu religion, and just read them as a fun prject, there so much you will read you will be like jesus, i knew it. I’d say im not religious or i should be, but i do belive in a higher power, and that i did lear a whole lots and understood history more when i researched these books, and later comming back to science everythig made sence.

its kool dude i know your not hating, just being elaborative. thanks.:smiley:

lol. i Don’t, but maybe you should ask about that from Sal, he is from a bloodline of warriors,lol im not shitting you, and a mixed one too.lol they write down names of the first born eldest son,born from the sons wife, half of them you never hear about because the people or should i say the bloodlines that rule right now destroyed some if not all other bloodlines of kings and warriors, but there were few that scattered all over the world, and started over as ordinary people to stay hidden, its history dude, read up on some asian, european history, there are hand full or bunch of them running around who know who they are and some have no clue, some are rich as fk, some are not, but at the end of the day its what you have in your dna makes you what you are, so yea i don’t belive in this God Warrior stuff, but i do think there are people out there who can kick some serious as, simply because they have a good dna.