Buffalo Area Shooting range/trap club

Is anyone part of a trap club or a recommend a shooting range in the Buffalo area? I want to practice my 12 gauge before turkey season and want to find a place to shoot at. I am part of a shooting club back in Lakewood, NY, but I want to find one closer. Any info would be great.


This is where I work. We’re in NT.

Tonawanda Sportsman isn’t to bad, their sporting clays course in the back is decent, however as soon as it rains, plan on wearing rubber boots because it turns into a swamp.

There is a place closer into Lockport that has two different sporting clays courses, I just can’t think of the name and road it is on to tell you, and that one is much better then Tonawanda’s course.

But if you are just looking to shoot trap or skeet then Tonawanda is a good place to go.


^^ That would be it!

They put in a new 5 stand thing, it is semi interesting, but I enjoy sporting clays more then that.

And of course Trap is my main thing that I shoot, though I don’t compete in it anymore like I used to.

Niagara county sportsmans association