Buffalo Bills 2007 Season Discussion

Is it me or is it safe to say that our city has no luck with professional sports. :wtf:

how is it that you can make it to the superbowl 4 years straight and lose everytime.:rolljerk:

sabres mass injurys and end up not being able to go to the cup

sabres getting fucking screwed over vs stars with the no goal that was allowed (i was there able to watch a tv 2 min after it was over to witness this, that crowd was rediculous)

2 years ago the bandits kicking the shit out of everytime but decide to completely blow in the championship game

last year the goaly getting injured in playoffs causing use to use our back up with the bandits and losing the next game

and to top them all of last night with the bills.
how the hell do u lose that game.

any buddy else think theres some sort of curse going on here or just extreamly shitty luck. lol :rolljerk:

this is :bsflag: