Buffalo Bills 2007 Season Discussion

Bills are just getting out played hard right now

Where the hell has Edwards been throwing to this afternoon?

Hate to say it, but it’s terribly evident he has no clue how to play in the snow.

It’s his 2nd start in bad weather and it’s a blizzard…can’t really hold it against a guy from Stanford

i hate to say it, but get him out of there for a few plays then. if its clearly evedent he cant play in the snow, they need to do something different. with that being said, they need to not try and run it up the middle, its just not working.

Yeah, lets put in JP so he can throw a pick and end the game.

gaines…awesome… could have been a huge run

WTF…that’s the play you HAVE to make


Come on coaches…

HAHAHAHAH why hand it off when they need 8 yrds…

what the fuck is the point

WTF are you running on 3rd and 8 for?

Can we just send Fairchild to his new job RIGHT NOW?

NICE!!! On the .5

I’ll call it now…game over :lol:

The only place our defense works is in the red zone




Yeah, that really mattered.

come the fuck on!!!

ok 1 to left now…

Still some room on the Sabres bandwagon. :wink:

Tasker is obviously on the Bill’s side still. “Oh no, you don’t go for it”. They’ve been running against us at will, why wouldn’t you go for it on 4th and one? Stick the knife in and give it a twist.

Unbelievably poor coaching today…

and horrible run defense in the 2nd half

whether they gave it to us or not, the bills wont do anything good. they just suck, theres no way around it.

Still got a chance. 70 yards, no timeouts. Just start throwing that shit.


thanks for the journey quote