Buffalo City streets.. Great place for parking v window smashed in

Damn sorry to hear dan.

Where do you live now? I live off Main and the 198 by the 33?

Oh I will just iPhone GPS stalk you.

Happened to me once like that. Lived on Forest Ave for a couple years with no prob. One night I got lazy and left my head unit on bc i knew I was going back out later. Never saw that stereo again…

Pretty much.

Sucks to hear Dan. When my car was broken into downtown the cops refused to show and in fact told me to drive to the police station to file the report by pushing the glass out of the way. I only filed it because there was over 3k in shit stolen from my car and needed it for my claim.

The insurance company only covered my Avic D3 all the rest of the stuff they said no to because it wasn’t bolted in… So I had to file a homeowners claim and go that route and they replace the majority of it.

GL Dan.

^ same here… unreal, the ONE time.


Oh noes danny. :frowning:

I’ve had my car broken into down there when Jen used to live by Canisius. Fucking bastards.

the good news is, taking of the door panel to replace the glass on the car is easy… so is replacing the glass… (which i have not done, but the bolts are right there)

Cleaning up the glass though is a bitch inside the car/ in the door itself

Sucks man. At night and early morning their response times aren’t great. I’ve had to wait about an hour at night. During the day they were pretty quick, however.

Ughhh… and this is why im so reluctant to move into the city…

Yea, I have full comprehensive coverage. So the glass should be covered. If the driftbox isn’t covered well… it happens.

It really was my fault to bait the person into this. I simply left the box in plain view. Stupid on my part I guess.

Boxxa - this was within sight of the 198/ 33 right in front of sister hospital.

yeah the worst part is the faceplate on the elantra radio isnt removable, kiss that marvel of korean engineering goodbye

Ugghh… I was thinking more so the fire system in the Miata, but lets not get hung up on fine details now :mamoru: They wouldn’t even need to smash a window in that thing!

If you park off street you don’t have a problem. I always leave my car unlocked with computer camera, anything else in plain view in my driveway… I never had a problem… albeit its tucked up behind the house, but never a problem.

Just keep everything out of view, especially change and a few dollars. I guess the homeless are cracking windows for a few bucks.



Oh that fucking sux dan, did they fuck anything else other than the glass up ?


didn’t read the thread so i appologize if this was already posted. was it broken into, or did the 12 year old girl tied up in the backseat get free?

Well update on the response time. A friend that I was with he knows a bunch of buffalo cops so he called them and put me at the top of the queue. I had to wait some time because of a bar brawl lol. Understandable.


I miss buffalo this much -->||