buffalo garbage pickup question

i’ve got a LOT of shit i wanna have picked up… its all shit… if i have it neatly in a big box (4 big boxes) will they take it away on normal pickup day? how do i find out if or what day bulk pick up is? (if there is one) thanks

nobody knows??

they will take 2 big items a week on your normal garbage day.

AWESOME thanks

You should call them. Don’t know about Buffalo, but Amherst, Cheektowaga, and others will pick up as much big stuff as you can put out there as long as you call ahead and give 24-48 hour notice.

if you know where an apartment complex is that has open dumpsters, take a quiet drive at night. then you don’t have to worry at all.

THANKS FOR THE HELP… they took everything i put out… ( lots of stuff)
