Buffalo Hospitality

I am planning on getting some work done on my car out in Buffalo at Innovative Tuning that might take all day. I live in Rochester so it’s a bit of a hike and all of my buddies are working or whatnot.

I was just wondering if nobody was doing anything say the 28th of August, if they could pick me up and just hang out for the day or do whatever instead of me sitting there at the shop it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Dave

if that wasnt my first day back to school i would, but because of that i cannot.

I’ve got the 28th off, as long as you aren’t super creepy or a dick. I’d be cool with it. :tup:

yea most people hate me or think im just a “tool” other than that, im down.

but i dont start school until october and i dont have anyhting to do. ever. so if you want me to, let me know.

besides i want to see mikes new shop when i get back in town.

my name is chris btw

buy me lunch iam in lol

haha, i think you’re sweet. you make me rofl.

edit: i mean that in the straightest way possible.

what a way to introduce yourself Chris :lol: you are better off saying HI…and let that guy make his own opinion about you the crazy S2k auto-xer;)

sucka dick no homo

egh. i keeps it real.

My name is Dave BTW. I don’t think of myself as creepy, I’m pretty normal. I was thinking more along the way of female hang out all day! J/K. But no for real if there are any ladies that wanna show me around town that would be even better. HAHA.

I’ll hit the lucky winner up later on, more close to the date. Thanks for everyone that puts in for this. Just hang in there and maybe YOU could win a day to hang out with me!!!

well do u put out